Good Morning

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San sighed, watching Wooyoung look around for him before he got into a car and drove off wondering if he was really going to be okay.

He took out his phone and sent Wooyoung a fighting sticker to which his human replied with a heart sticker that made him smile.

"He doesn't see you as a friend." San thought, remembering their conversation from the night before. 

"Good morning." San said, appearing in Yeosang's living room as he patted Yeosang on the back grabbing a bit of Hongjoong's toast as he walked by to sit next to Seonghwa.

"Have you guys done it yet?" Hongjoong asked right off the bat, Yeosang choking on his drink as he looked up at San. Seonghwa threw a berry at Hongjoong to make him be quiet, Hongjoong catching it in his mouth, with a small smile

"What?" Yeosang asked, San looking equally confused, as he grabbed a toast sandwich to eat.

"Wooyoung isn't like that, it might as well be San." Yeosang said, Hongjoong looking at him as if to ask him to look at San for a split second.

"I know he's not like that, but demon's are tempting." Hongjoong said, knowing that San didn't know why everyone was looking at him everywhere he went.

Human's don't mean to be shallow but it's in their nature to like handsome faces and pretty things while associating them with good things.

That's why most demons that people see are literally ethereal.

To trick humans and get what they want from them. But that's not to say that humans wouldn't take advantage of demons either.

And that's definitely not to say that Wooyoung would take advantage of San, it's just that San has no idea what he was capable of.

"Okay, you have a point." Yeosang said, breaking eye contact with San as he sipped his orange juice in peace. "But I know Wooyoung would never do anything without asking first. San could be the one to do it."

"Do what?" San asked, Seonghwa giving Hongjoong a look that screamed go-ahead-you-tell-him-over-breakfast while Yeosang looked at San amazed.

Hongjoong took a sip of his coffee, clearing his throat as he took in a breath to begin the mini-lesson on the birds and the bees when Seonghwa kicked him so hard under the table he thought he had lost his knee caps forever.

"Fuck." Hongjoong let out, biting his lip as he held his knee letting out a small whine as he brought his knee up to his chest. He looked up at Seonghwa who for a split second looked like he was smiling seeing him in pain.

"Sadist." Hongjoong remarked, Yeosang putting his cold drink on Hongjoong's knee till he could get up and get him some ice.

"Is this an act or?" Yeosang asked, Seonghwa clearing his throat as he stabbed his food.

"Subject change." Seonghwa said, San looking between Hongjoong and Yeosang and Seonghwa feeling lost. What did he and Wooyoung do?

"I tailed Hongjoong all day yesterday and he didn't meet with anyone." Seonghwa said, reporting to San as Hongjoong tried to reach over and grab his hand so that he could heal his knee.

"He didn't meet with Shiber?" San asked, Seonghwa shaking his head no as they both looked at Hongjoong.

"He was going to. I found this dinner invitation and this letter in his trash can." Seonghwa said, taking out the two pieces of evidence he had managed to find, sliding them over to San.

Yeosang was watching the whole thing happen wondering how he ended up at a royal council meeting so early in the morning.

"And that's why I wanted to buy a new shredder." Hongjoong said, taking another bite of his food. He didn't bother to correct Seonghwa and tell him he was still going. 

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