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San, Seonghwa, and Hongjoong all sat in the bleachers watching Wooyoung and Jongho's team play against Yunho and Yeosang's team as Mingi kept score watching the basketball fall through the hoop.

"There we have it gentlemen and gentledemons. A close game that I wasn't really paying attention to because Yunho looks so good in that headband." Mingi said, Wooyoung laughing out of breath a little as Yunho blushed, Jongho agreeing as he cheered and Yeosang letting out a small sigh since he wanted to win.

"We messed up their lives didn't we?" Honjoong asked, watching the game as San nodded.

"Yeah." San said, eating some popcorn as he kept an eye on Wooyoung who was playing extra close attention to the game.

"You didn't mess up their lives." Seonghwa said, letting out a sigh as he looked at Yeosang who looked as equally invested in the game as Wooyoung was. Both of them were giving off the same vibe.

"Did Minjun meet with you?" Hongjoong asked, ignoring Seonghwa's comment who rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, he said that they were going to use a Yunho look alike to kill us." San said, Honjgoong nodding.

"Never would have guessed that." Hongjoong said, hearing Mingi cheer as Yunho threw the basketball through the hoop.

"He wanted to bring us Hyunyee in exchange for his freedom." San added on, making Hongjoong and Seonghwa both look at him.

"And what did you say?" Seonghwa asked, ready to have a heart attack.

"I said if he brings me Shiber I'll give it to him." San said, looking over at them.

"Don't ever set Minjun free, he'll kill us without any help, even if he brings us Shiber." Hongjoong said, being double worried about Seonghwa now.

"Do we have any idea of what we're going to do about this?" Seonghwa asked, having come up with a few solutions.

"We need Minjun on our side first." San said.

"He'll never choose us." Hongjoong said, Seonghwa asking the real question.

"Who brought him here?" Seonghwa asked Hongjoong and San looking him before looking back at the game.

"Neither of you started with that question?" Seonghwa asked, wondering if these two used their brains at all.

"Well that wasn't really important. We just thought since he was here we had to deal with it." Hongjoong said, as San nodded.

"Why did you move in with Yeosang?" Hongjoong asked, not sure if he asked the question before.

"Demons." Seonghwa said, shaking his head as he got up to join the game having had enough of these two for the past few minutes.

Hongjoong watched as Mingi cheered, joining the game with Seonghwa as they all gathered around to teach him the game and let him practice before they started the match.

"Hongjoong hyung keep track please!" Yeosang shouted, as the game began. Wooyoung looked over at San before looking away going back to the game.

He really wasn't okay.

"Yeosang knows about Seonghwa." Hongjoong said, San staying quiet as he ate his popcorn.

"He won't say anything even if one of us possessed him." San said, watching Yeosang.

"Are you protecting him?" San asked, looking over at Hongjoong who nodded.

"Why wouldn't I?" Hongjoong questioned, San looking at something behind him for a moment.

"He got hurt." San said, looking into Hongjoong's eyes. "Did he use his wings to protect you?"

"To protect Yeosang. Wilson stabbed me then tossed Yeosang out the window." Hongjoong said. "Well he tried to stab me twice, and that was when he used his wings to protect me so yeah I guess."

Hongjoong covered his mouth instantly realizing he let the truth slip as he looked at San.

"It's not that serious San don't worry about it everything is-" Hongjoong said, trying to explain.

"If anyone else says it's fine I'm going to end everything. It's not fine." San said, setting his popcorn down as he scoot over to Hongjoong to take his shirt off.

"W-what are you doing?" Hongjoong asked, as he grabbed San's hand that were on his shirt going for the buttons.

"Let me see." San said, slapping Hongjoong's hands away as he undid the buttons with his powers looking at the scar over his chest.

What did Wilson use?

By that time, everyone had stopped the game, looking at the two as San was staring at Hongjoong's scar.

They all flinched when San looked their way, his eyes a dark blue as he looked at them before looking at Seonghwa.

"San?" Seonghwa said, taking a step back as he looked at his eyes. It was a split second decision, Seonghwa breaking out into a sprint as he tried to run for the exit.

San ran after him without hesitation as he caught up to Seonghwa, pushing him lightly into the fence to stop him from going anywhere.

"You didn't tell me you got hurt." San said, Seonghwa gulping as Yeosang pulled San away from Seonghwa.

"What's going on?" Yeosang asked, San looking at him with the same blue eyes.

San looked down at his arm, seeing a few bruises, as he turned Yeosang around to look at his back that had a few cuts that Seonghwa had apparently healed.

"You can put my shirt down now." Yeosang said, turning back around to look at San.

"San don't!" Hongjoong said, stopping San too late as he disappeared.

"Okay let's get into an earthquake safe zone everybody please follow me." Hongjoong said, after a while of silence.

"Mr. Park do you have your uh." Hongjoong asked, wondering if San took Seonghwa's dagger. Seonghwa nodded, Hongjoong letting out a sigh of relief.

Everything would be fine. 

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