The Guy

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Wooyoung followed the guy with his eyes as he walked over, standing above him with a small smile. The guy looked taller than him, older, and just like he walked right out of drama. He leaned down, holding onto Wooyoung's chin, tilting his head upwards towards him. "Cute," The guy said, with a half smile. Wooyoung managed to kick him in the knee, making the guy buckle and fall to the ground. The guy laughed, holding onto the couch to get up. "And a fighter. Sounds like San's type," The guy chuckled. Wooyoung regretted kicking the guy but at the same time didn't when he saw the guy's eyes turn a deadly black. They faded back to their ice blue color when he looked away but his eyes were enough for Wooyoung to go numb with fear. 

He wasn't like any demon he'd ever met before, expect maybe San. 

Wooyoung felt a chill run down his spine, the guy putting some distance between them. Wooyoung began to panic slightly, not having any control of his body anymore.  "I can't believe he's protecting you like this. You know how much power that needs?" The guy asked, Wooyoung glaring at him. No he didn't know how much power that needed, nor what the guy was talking about.  Or who he was. Sure demons were random but at least - never mind. "Oh right you can't talk back," The guy said, with another little laugh.

"Don't be scared I just came to say hi and meet the guy San fell in love with or whatever," The guy said, Wooyoung looking at him. San was in love with him? What? "Oh and you know you were very rude to my friend who only wanted to introduce himself this evening," The guy said, taking the seat in front of Wooyoung. "He's coming by later so be nice to him, he's new on the job and still doesn't have everything down yet," The guy said, wondering if he could leave with his powers the same way he came. He had to sit down since he felt sick the moment he set foot in this house or else he'd wouldn't bother staying too long. "Be careful of him, okay dear? He can multiply so I wouldn't ask any of his look-alikes or creations any questions," The guy said with a laugh. "They're really dumb, unlike him, but like I said he's new so." Wooyoung hadn't been this confused since his last math test back in high school where the answer to the equation was either three or three squared and he got both answers at the time.

"Do me a favor, when he visits you next time. Be perfectly calm and listen to his every word," The guy said, appearing in front of Wooyoung again, leaning in close to him. Wooyoung was forced to look into his eyes, promising that he'd do just that even though he didn't want to. "Thank you dear," The guy said, with a smile that might have been pleasant if the guy looked like he had a soul. It only seemed eerie, and displaced. Maybe even a little dead. 

"I'll let his highness introduce us later," The guy said, not wanting to be rude. "Wouldn't want to ruin the surprise," He said, standing straighter. He'd pass out if he stayed, which was a shame. He couldn't play with Wooyoung and San like he wanted to. Wooyoung was frozen simply listening to what the guy had to say. "I'm not going too," Wooyoung thought over and over and over again. It was pointless since his brain soon forgot the word not and reassured him that he was going too listen.  

"I'd appreciate it if you didn't tell him about our little conversation or anyone else on the other hand," He added on, Wooyoung looking at the hand that was now on his shoulder. It started to burn, Wooyoung feeling a light pinch. "If you do, it'll hurt," The guy warned with a light chuckle. He leaned down thinking that he should show Wooyoung an example of what would happen. "Try it, pick up your phone and text Hongjoong that I was here," The guy said,  using his powers to control Wooyoung.  

Wooyoung listened to the guy, taking out his phone and typing the words someone was here like he was told to do. Wooyoung mentally braced himself, knowing it wasn't going to be pretty. And he was right feeling the spot on his shoulder as it started to burn. It felt like someone was holding a blow torch to it, Wooyoung cussing under his breath. Okay so this guy was definitely  not like any other demon that he had met.  He meant bussiness. 

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