Feelin' Like I Do

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Wooyoung, San, and Seonghwa were sitting there staring at the tv with wide eyes as the true murderer was revealed.

"That was unexpected?" Wooyoung said, completely horrified, getting up to go scream in a quiet corner for a moment.

"I don't think that's the word." Seonghwa said, San holding onto him as he stared at the screen, Wooyoung screaming in the background.

"I'm-I'm going to um- hmmm- that was- oi." San said, going quiet as he went into deep thought.

"On that note I'll head over to Yeosang's." Seonghwa said, forgetting that he wanted to talk to San.

"Mind if I come with you? I need to talk to him." Wooyoung said, stepping into the living room as he grabbed his coat, looking over at San with a small smile.

Wooyoung was not used to coming home with his date after their first date and he was certainly not used to having his first date be his roommate and he was definitely not used to feeling this many feelings all caused by a single demon before in his life.

To put in simple terms, he needed to get away for a bit to enjoy his feelings without San adding more heart fluttering feelings that he couldn't handle.

"Sure." Seonghwa said, San still holding onto him as he got up.

"You two go, I'll take a nap." San said, with a small smile, growing shy as he thought about the date.

"Are you sure you're okay being alone after that?" Seonghwa asked, San nodding as he looked at Wooyoung.

"I'll be fine." San said, Seonghwa knocking on the nearest wooden thing to check. San smiled at him, hugging him as he pushed him towards the door where Wooyoung was.

San simply waved at Wooyoung who followed behind Seonghwa with a small smile, waving back with a small blush, as he closed the door.

San let out a small breath, walking to the bedroom and letting himself fall down onto the bed, as he let his feelings catch up to him.

How he managed to stop his heart from beating right out of his chest was a major achievement and San had no idea why he was constantly reminded that he had never liked anyone before but he couldn't help but enjoy the feeling of liking Wooyoung.

It was all knew to him and the more he liked Wooyoung, the more he felt this funny feeling that he kept wanting to feel because he knew the cause of it was Wooyoung.

San smiled, touching his lips  as he thought back to the kisses, rolling onto his side as he curled up into a ball and blushed while smiling, doing a little happy dance.

Wooyoung looked like he had fun and he had fun too so it was a good date right?


Wooyoung smiled, looking at San as he leaned in the doorway having forgot his car keys since he was just thinking about San and had came back to get them. 

Wooyoung's smile grew when he saw San look up to him, San clearing his throat as he looked away with a low blush.

"He saw that." San thought, letting out a small sigh as he bit his lip, Wooyoung loving his reaction.

"I forgot my car keys." Wooyoung said, San looking up at him.

"Aren't they usually on the hook by the door?" San said, with a small smile.

"Yeah that was an excuse." Wooyoung said, holding up the car keys as he walked over to the bed, leaning down so that he was San's height. 

Wooyoung's heart beat a little faster as he kissed San gently, not being able to help himself since he missed the others lips on his.

San's breath got trapped in his lungs, his eyes falling shut, as Wooyoung kissed him. Wooyoung could melt him with a single kiss and it was not okay even when it was perfectly okay.

"Thank you for the date." Wooyoung said quietly, San breath still trapped in his lungs as he looked at Wooyoung whose lips were hovering over his.

"I'll be back soon hopefully." Wooyoung said, kissing him one last time, before pulling away and waving at him as he walked backwards out the bedroom trying to act casually as San waved back at him.

Wooyoung opened the door, closing it behind him, as he just stood there his heart doing a million billion flips per millisecond.

"WhydidIdothat? Thefrickisthisfeeling? Sanissobeatuifulwhy? He'ssocute ahhhhhh." Wooyoung thought, burying his face in his hands as he tried not to scream out loud. "Iwantanotherkiss."

He was falling for San without regards to gravity or any common sense and that was the best and worst type of liking.

"You look like a strawberry Wooyoung are you okay?" Seonghwa asked, once Wooyoung got into the car. Wooyoung touched his cheek, pulling down the sun visor to look at himself.

He let out a small sigh, putting on his seat belt, as he turned on the car.

"I've never been better." Wooyoung said, Seonghwa looking at him with a small smile.

"Because of San?" Seonghwa asked, smiling since the two were holding hands behind him during the movie.

Seonghwa was taken a little aback by how quickly these two grew to like each other but then again he popped out of nowhere somewhere in the middle so he didn't know the full story.

"Is there ever another reason?" Wooyoung said, pulling out of the driveway, Seonghwa letting out a small laugh.

"You two are adorable." Seonghwa said, Wooyoung punching his arm lightly as he went back to driving.

The two drove in silence a bit, Seonghwa texting Yeosang to see if he was home, smiling since Yeosang had set a picture of them as his wallpaper, when he first got him a phone.

It was blurry yeah, but it was still cute. 

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