The Night He Forgot

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~•~•~•~  After They Went to the Sauna ~•~•~•~ 

Yeosang ate his food looking in between Hongjoong and Seonghwa who were sitting awkwardly next to each other at the table.

Midnight was staring at Hongjoong the whole time, having woken up once she smelled the food.

"More water hyungs?" Yeosang asked, trying to break the silence. Hongjoong nodded, his throat feeling like he had tried to swallow a cup of cinnamon mixed with sand.

Midnight jumped up onto Seonghwa's lap, jumping onto the table to get a better view of Hongjoong.

He was making his best friend uncomfortable but not in a bad way.

Yeosang poured Hongjoong a glass, watching him finish it, as Midnight left Hongjoong, snuggling Seonghwa.

Seonghwa looked at Snowball who was giving her the cute kitten eyes, giving her a weird look as he gave her some food.

Snowball didn't eat the food, using her tail to point to Hongjoong, as she stared up at him with the same eyes that were making her look absolutely adorable.

Snowball's eyes went back to normal, Seonghwa looking away from her, as she jumped off the table to go ruin Yeosang's couch or something to get the two alone.

Yeosang didn't have to understand cat to know that his furniture was in danger, getting up and grabbing Snowball in his arms.

"Snowball looks sleepy, I'll go put her to bed." Yeosang said with a small, Snowball's eyes turning big again as she looked up at Yeosang.

She liked this human.

Yeosang left the room, hiding behind the door as he let out a small sigh, deciding to sit down and wait with Snowball to see how things turned out.

Hongjoong's throat went dry again, pouring himself another glass of water, as Seonghwa rubbed the back of his neck as he looked around Yeosang's living room.

They had to talk eventually and they couldn't avoid each other forever.

Not with them both being on Earth anyways.

"How's it been up here so far?" Seonghwa asked, looking at Hongjoong who looked up at him.

"Not that bad." Hongjoong said, feeling like he needed Seonghwa's permission to talk to him. "How about you?"

"Not that bad either. Wooyoung and his friends are really nice." Seonghwa said, playing with his fork. "Unlike the two who always cause trouble."

"That's not our fault." Hongjoong said with a laugh, Seonghwa smiling as he looked up at Hongjoong, the two making eye contact for the first time in forever.

Hongjoong felt his heart give in, looking at Seonghwa's smile that he hadn't seen in centuries.

Seonghwa realized that he was smiling, looking away, letting his smile fall as he remembered why he wasn't talking to Hongjoong in the first place.

Why was it so hard to try and remember that?

"Uh hyungs." Yeosang said, walking backwards out from behind the door, as a demon walked towards him.

And he thought Hongjoong was scary.

~•~•~•~ Present Day ~•~•~•~ 

"Yeosang slow down." Wooyoung said, Yeosang drifting through a red light as he set the wheel straight stepping on the gas as he zipped back to the company where he knew Hongjoong would be.

"On second thought carry on." Wooyoung said, holding on tightly to the car handle, Yeosang glaring at him before he cut off 5 cars and ran another light. 

Minutes away from getting scolded by Yeosang, Hongjoong sat in his office awkwardly staring at the wall as Seonghwa sat in his office waiting for Mingi to drop San off so they could all talk.

It's not like he couldn't use his powers, San probably wanted to hang out with Mingi more.

Seonghwa looked around Hongjoong's office, that had a full window wall, seating area, and a huge desk.

He had plenty of employees too. 

Which meant that he was doing alright as a demon king.

"Do you feel better?" Hongjoong asked, not sure how to feel about that night. Seonghwa did that despite everything that happened between them so they must still have some sort of relationship. 

"Yeah." Seonghwa said, hearing the office door swing open with Wooyoung trying to block the door as Yeosang walked past him.

"You got stabbed and made ME forget ABOUT IT!?" Yeosang asked, Hongjoong smiling.

"You should have seen the other guy." Hongjoong said, immediately hiding the objects that were the most dangerous if thrown, Yeosang looking so done.

"How do they keep finding where we live?" Wooyoung asked, sitting next to Seonghwa who looked worried.

"This is probably your first time seeing Yeosang like this." Wooyoung said, watching as his best friend grabbed the stapler.

"It'll pass." Wooyoung said, Hongjoong letting out a cry of pain as he held his head.

"After he throws the whole office at Hongjoong." Wooyoung sighed, Yeosang grabbing the shredder. 

Hongjoong dogged the shredder, the trash bin, and the desk organizer, using his powers to unarm Yeosang. 

"It's complicated." Hongjoong said, setting the organizer down as he looked at over at Seonghwa. 

"Yeah, I can use that explanation for everything too!" Yeosang said, calming down, walking out of the office to his mini fridge, taking out an ice pack for Hongjoong. 

"Here, sit down." Yeosang said, making Hongjoong sit down as he put the ice pack on his head, sitting on top of the couch. 

Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong and then at Yeosang, not knowing how to feel. 

They seemed almost as close as he and Hongjoong were once. 

But he did know that that stapler would have probably been for him if Yeosang knew that he was the one who got stabbed. 

Oh well. 

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