Window of Time

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Seonghwa finished his shower, putting on his robe, as Snowball walked out with fuzzy fur walking around in a daze.

"I told you steam was bad for your fur." Seonghwa said, drying his hair that was falling around his face, as he looked up to find San and Hongjoong sitting in the living room.

"Good Morning hyung." San said, Seonghwa waving hi at him ignoring Hongjoong as he walked to the bedroom where Yeosang had already changed and was fixing his hair.

"Hyung, do you want to come help us out today too?" Yeosang asked, combing his hair as he parted it in the front, adding a little hair spray to keep it in place since he didn't want to end the day looking like he got into a fight with a raccoon and lost miserably.

"He'll come after the little meeting." Hongjoong said, walking into the room, San sitting in the living room looking at Snowball who was a mess.

"Of course. Not like I should know what's going on or anything." Yeosang said, turning around to look at him.

"You can join us? You already know half the story anyways." Hongjoong said, looking at Seonghwa who was looking through the drawers for something nice to wear.

"Half? Like 2 chapters of an entire 5 book series hyung." Yeosang said, as he grabbed Hongjoong and took him to the living room to sit down. 

"So what are we looking at?" Yeosang asked, ignoring the way he looked at Seonghwa as he walked in, San noticing it as Hongjoong sat down next to him.

Why was Yeosang acting funny?

San picked up Snowball letting her sit in his lap, as he crossed his legs, and watched everything.

"We have a demon war on our hands." Hongjoong said, Yeosang not even surprised as he let out a sigh.

"How do we win?" Yeosang asked, looking at Snowball who looked away guilty of hanging out with the enemy. 

San used his powers to get a cup of coffee, noticing how Yeosang had leaned back in his seat, arms crossed over his chest in a black short sleeve shirt.

Seonghwa and Hongjoong were both looking at him, stealing glances and San was all for it.

Yeosang seemed to notice too, looking up at the two and making eye contact, both Seonghwa and Hongjoong looking away.

"No clue." Hongjoong said, looking at San who looked away clearly not about to comment on anything.

"Who's the weakest demon out of all of them?" Yeosang asked, wondering if they had done anything to keep things okay.

"In order, Wilson, Hyunyee, Shiber, then Han-gyeol." Hongjoong said, knowing Yeosang needed as much detail as possible. "Minjun is the most powerful even without his freedom."

"How powerful would he be if he was free and where do you all rank?" Yeosang asked calmly, getting a notebook to keep track of everything. 

"Mr. Park would be at the bottom of the list, I'm a bit weaker than Minjun, second only to San." Hongjoong said, placing himself around three or two on the scale. "If Minjun had his freedom he could probably beat San on a good day but he'd be equal." 

"What do we know?" Yeosang asked, needing everything to be able to construct a plan, worrying about Seonghwa even though the other said he could take care of himself. 

"Hyunyee can impersonate anyone she wants too and they want to dress her up as Yunho to get close to us." Hongjoong said, looking at San. "We also need Minjun on our side." 

"They want your crown right?" Yeosang asked, taking a wild guess, Hongjoong nodding. San was thankful that no one brought up how he didn't kill Han-gyeol or Shiber when they had the chance.

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