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San used his powers looking at the park first before going to Yunho's house. He stayed quiet hearing Mingi yell something about Yeonjun cheating when he looked around the living room, as Jongho and Yunho laughed, all of them playing a board game.

He left quietly going to Yeosang's apartment as he checked up on Seonghwa, Hongjoong and Yeosang, Snowball stretching and standing guard at the window. She turned around for a second frowning when he saw the blood on his pants. San looked down at them, his heart feeling heavy for some reason, as he changed, walking out of the room.

He found Wooyoung in the guest room fast asleep, walking over to him as he crawled on top of him, wanting a hug. Okay he didn't want a hug he needed one. Wooyoung woke up with his eyes half open as he instantly wrapped his arms around San when he felt a weight on his chest, hugging San back.

Wooyoung's heart fell a little when he heard San sniffle, as he rolled onto his side taking San with him as he simply hugged him. Wooyoung wanted to cry after hearing San's thoughts that felt like they were out of control before he could even ask him what was wrong. He kissed San's forehead, San hiding his face in Wooyoung's chest.

Wooyoung hated that he was right and that he knew that San wasn't with Hongjoong and Seonghwa like he said he would be, hearing the thoughts die down as he kissed San's nose this time. San sniffled, as his human kissed his cheek, moving a little to kiss his other cheek, before kissing him softly on the lips.

San didn't know why Wooyoung kissed him, or even let him touch him after what he did. Then again his human didn't know what he did. San couldn't bring himself to tell him though, hugging Wooyoung close as his human hugged him and kissed him again.

San closed his eyes trying to relax and fall asleep, seeing the start of a nightmare as he opened his eyes since he didn't want one. Not tonight at least. Wooyoung kissed him again, pulling him away from his chest to look down at his eyes.

"Want to go somewhere with me? I can't sleep." Wooyoung asked quietly, San looking up at him. If he could do anything at that moment to make San feel better he would do it and he did leaning down again to kiss San's lips gently.

San kissed back, looking up at Wooyoung when he pulled away, wanting to ask him to stop doing that since he didn't deserve it. He really needed it though, that feeling that everything was okay whenever he was with Wooyoung. The feeling of his lips against his made him need it even more since it made San feel like he was worthy of some love.

San didn't say anything as he nodded, Wooyoung smiling as he sat up, wrapping San in a blanket as turned around, getting down on one knee.

"Hop on my back, we'll sneak out the front door, since we're too high up to sneak out the window." Wooyoung whispered, San looking at his back before getting on it carefully. "You can wrap your arms around my neck." Wooyoung said, looking back at San who was holding onto the back of his shirt. "Actually, put your arms around my neck it's safer." Wooyoung said, putting his arms under San's legs as he lifted him up.

San wrapped his arms around Wooyoung's neck as he hugged him, making Wooyoung smile as he walked to the door letting it open quietly. Yeosang's bedroom light was on and Yeosang was up taking care of both Hongjoong and Seonghwa as Snowball looked at them not bothering to tell Yeosang.

San held on as Wooyoung tip toed across the living room, opening the front door and walking right out. "Are you hungry at all?" Wooyoung asked, making sure he was holding onto San tightly before taking the stairs.

He knew it was safe now since San killed every demon who was looking for him and everyone who hurt Seonghwa and Hongjoong so at least they could do this much. He looked up, finding Minjun handcuffed to the balcony as he held up a peace sign, glaring at San as they walked down the street and to there left.

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