The Calm Before Storm Yeonjun

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San smiled as he looked at Wooyoung who was fast asleep, lying down on his side, his hair falling onto his forehead, as he lay down next to him. San found it funny that his human instantly fell asleep when he put his head on the pillow when he was the one who couldn't sleep earlier.

San had his hand under his head, his other hand at his side as he looked at Wooyoung's hand. His fingers were curled, San sliding his hand into Wooyoung's as his eyes turned a light shade of gold. His hand fit perfectly in the space between Wooyoung's palm and fingers.

San pulled his hand away, only to reach out and hold Wooyoung's hand again. He did that a few times wanting to know why it fit. His eyes turned purple when Wooyoung held his hand, not letting him go as he opened his eyes a bit.

"What time is it?" Wooyoung mumbled still sleepy as he kissed San's hand, closing his eyes again before he saw San's gold purple eyes. "Eight." San said, looking at his phone for a second.

"How many hours of sleep is that?" Wooyoung asked, his eyes barely open as he looked at San. How the heck did San get more beautiful everyday? "Two hours," San said, feeling Wooyoung pull him closer to him. Wooyoung hugged his waist, putting their foreheads together as he shut his eyes again, with their hands still together, making San feel light headed.

"That's good enough right?" Wooyoung asked in his morning voice, San shaking his head no. "I should sleep more huh?" Wooyoung asked, San smiling as he nodded. "Want me to wake you up?" San asked, smiling when Wooyoung fell asleep.

San leaned in kissing Wooyoung's cheek softly as he snuggled closer to him, Wooyoung getting up to hug him before he fell asleep again. San closed his eyes, loving Wooyoung's faint cologne and the way he fit perfectly in his human's arms too.

He couldn't bring himself to sleep but he did, without having a single nightmare or thought other than his human. He could push his thoughts away for a second or two.

~•~•~•~ Meanwhile ~•~•~•~

Hongjoong closed the guest room door, feeling single and feeling like he was really being overprotective as he let out a sigh, thinking back to how many times he caught Wooyoung and Changbin at the office.

Wooyoung wasn't being like that towards San at all. The exact opposite if he was being honest. Where Wooyoung and Changbin's interactions were more flirty and spicy to say the least, his interactions with San were sincere and gentle almost like Wooyoung's only goal was to make sure San had everything he needed.

"Why are you standing here like a creep?" Seonghwa asked, scaring Hongjoong who jumped a little. San was up in a mili-second and so was Wooyoung, the guest room flying open as Seonghwa tried to run, feeling pain all over his body as he stopped.

"Hyung." Wooyoung said, taking Seonghwa's hand and helping him stand up as San hugged him. "Ouch San." Seonghwa said, San pulling away as he almost cried. "Sorry." San said, looking down as he frowned. Seonghwa pulled San into a small hug that didn't hurt keeping him there.

"How are you feeling hyung?" Wooyoung asked, Seonghwa smiling at him as he held up an okay sign behind San's back. "Better than I was yesterday and the day before." Seonghwa said, Wooyoung smiling as he nodded.

After San knew for sure that Seonghwa was okay, he took in a small breath, opening his eyes as he looked at Hongjoong who still looked worried. He also looked like he wanted a hug.

"You should get more rest hyung." Yeosang said, grabbing everyone's attention. He was standing next to Hongjoong the entire time quietly. San broke the hug with Seonghwa nodding as Seonghwa pouted.

"I've been resting the entire day." Seonghwa complained, Yeosang not even smiling a bit. "You were too tired to get up hyung." Yeosang said, correcting him as Hongjoong nodded. Seonghwa didn't have any room to argue as San and Wooyoung helped him to the room, having him sit down at the edge of the bed.

Snowball ran into the room too, as she jumped up on Seonghwa's lap and stayed there to protect Seonghwa. San used his powers to make sure the bed was comfy, pushing Seonghwa gently down on the bed that now had even more pillows on it. Seonghwa felt sleep catch up to him again, feeling like he was sleeping on a cloud. Which in all fairness was going to bring back pain but since his back hurt, being on a cloud was better than being on a bed.

"Is it okay for him to fall back asleep like that?" Wooyoung asked, throwing a blanket over the now sleeping Seonghwa. He had a small smile on his lips, making everyone feel better as they looked at him. "It's normal." San said, Snowball meowing as she confirmed that Seonghwa's heart was beating fine.

Wooyoung nodded, looking up at Yeosang who was trying his best not to look upset. He reached out taking Yeosang's hand to make him smile. "Can you help me make breakfast?" Wooyoung asked, wanting to get his best friend alone so they could talk.

Yeosang nodded, Wooyoung getting up and taking his hand as they walked out of the room. "You look horrible." Wooyoung said, making Yeosang snort as he shook his head. "Don't mind me." Yeosang said, thankful that the little makeup he put on earlier covered his eye bags.

"Are we leaving for the trip today?" Yeosang asked, interrupting whatever Wooyoung was going to say. He knew he was going to ask him how he felt about Seonghwa and frankly he didn't want to say anything.

"Tommorw morning. Yeonjun is picking us up." Wooyoung said, respecting Yeosang and how he didn't want to talk. "Should we tell Hongjoong hyung or should we surprise him?" Yeosang asked, Wooyoung stopping as he thought about it. "Tell him he could have a heart attack, and we should give Seonghwa and San the talk." Wooyoung said, Yeosang nodding.

"The talk isn't going to be enough." Yeosang said, biting his lip. Wooyoung and Yeosang both let out a sigh as they continued to make breakfast, talking about what to pack when they didn't know where they were going.

While they talked and planned, Hongjoong looked at San, his eyes turning a deep shade of red and blue as he looked at his king who had told him that it was already taken care of when he asked who did it.

"You went easy on them didn't you." Hongjoong asked, hating himself for not taking care of the people involved in this sooner. "You just killed them and left it at that?" Hongjoong asked, San nodding as he avoided eye-contact.

"San you're so confusing sometimes." Hongjoong said, not hiding how angry and upset he was. "I'm the confusing one?" San asked, looking up at Hongjoong who was looking at Seonghwa.

"You tortured 20 demons for the course of a seventeen months because Seonghwa hyung got a scraped knee." San said. It seemed more like a fitting punishment in this case but this time those involved would be praying to die everyday while living in pain forever since Hongjoong would have created their own hell for them. "Then all of those demons disappeared without a single trace."

"Had Seonghwa so much as lost a single hair on his head I would have done the same." Hongjoong said, getting up to walk over to San to look him in the eye. He calmed down a bit, reaching out to hold San's shoulder. 

"I know you like Wooyoung now but wait till you fall in love with him." Hongjoong said, his voice low and eyes still the same red and blue now with hints of black. "There isn't anything in the world you wouldn't do for him." 


hi 🌊🌊

Sorry it took so long to update I lost all the chapters I wrote, had to re-write and my summer class started hehe... I'm soorrrryyyyy I hope you've all been well though 😭💕

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