One of the Best Bands Ever

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~•~•~•~ Day6 ~•~•~•~

Yunho, Mingi, Jongho, Yeosang, Seonghwa, Hongjoong, Wooyoung and San all lay down in Yunho's living room staring at the ceiling as they sighed.

"All we've been doing is working our butts off." Jongho let out, thinking about the past few nights where they barely had any sleep.

"That's why we have the last half of the day off while the samples get ready." Hongjoong let out, exhausted from having to run in between Seonghwa and Yeosang and the office.

San was lying next to Wooyoung, who lying on his stomach now, looking at him from time to time as he smiled. 

"What should we do then?" Yunho asked, Mingi resting his head on his arm as he side hugged him.

"When was the last time we did anything?" Mingi mumbled, hugging Yunho closer to him.

"No idea but I say the amusement park or somewhere with games and fun." Jongho said, looking through his phone for places that were cat friendly since Snowball probably wanted to go too.

"We can get dinner at the amusement park." Yeosang said, rolling over to Seonghwa.

"Hyung, have you ever been?" Yeosang asked, Hongjoong falling asleep beside him. "Have we ever taken San?"

The two shook their head no, Wooyoung feeling like everyone was on board.

San congratulated himself on not missing the way Wooyoung's arm veins popped out as he used them to get up. 

San looked away mentally slapping himself since he was shamelessly looking at his human. 

"I'll drive." Wooyoung said, taking San's hand and helping him up as everyone else got up too.

"I'll watch." San thought, Wooyoung smiling at him as San looked so done with himself. 

 Yeosang woke Hongjoong up who half pulled Yeosang down playfully before taking his hand and getting up.

They were all at the amusement park in less than 20 minutes, Seonghwa, San, and Jongho sitting next to each other as Mingi, Yunho, and Yeosang sat in the back, Wooyoung driving and Hongjoong sitting next to him.

"How have you been?" San asked Seonghwa, who shrugged.

"Good but stressed. I can't find the board." Seonghwa said, San wondering if it was about taking him back to hell again.

"Why do you want to find it?" Jongho asked, not sure why it was so important.

"Someone used it to bring another demon to Earth and I don't want that to happen." Seonghwa said, Jongho looking at them.

"Well if that isn't shady." Jongho commented, wondering what he was missing out on after cat sitting Snowball for the past few days.

"Thank you for choosing Wooyoung's road travels, the exits are to your right and left. Please have a fun time." Hongjoong joked, as Wooyoung parked the car at their destination.

Seonghwa looked at Hongjoong, the two not having a proper conversation in a while, as he got out of the car knowing that that was probably never going to happen.

"Let's go on the roller coaster first!" Jongho said, Snowball hiding underneath his jacket. They got her out of the sauna, they can sneak her into the amusement park.

"We'll get tickets." Yunho said, holding Mingi's hand who held Jongho's as the three ran to ticket stand.

"We'll get chicken!" Yeosang said, grabbing Hongjoong and Seonghwa's hand to take them to one of the stands.

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