Picture Time

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The guy with the soulless blue eyes hid his face with a black mask, his semi long hair falling stopping above his shoulders, while his bangs did an amazing job at hiding his eyes more. He waited for the train to come back to the station, hating himself for not derailing it in the first place.

San wasn't simply safe since he was the main character. Overturn the train and he'd put it right back without a single shred of evidence that it had ever overturned. Try to kill him and he'd fight till the end and win. Try to hurt his friends and he'd make life a living hell for you. It was a habit that he had when he used to torture him back in Hell too.

So the only way to win was to outsmart him, break him, corner him, or backstab him. Or attack him when he's at his lowest. Blue eyes sighed, poking his cheek. The higher ups really had a particularly faulty plan, oblivious that San would win. They couldn't kill him in Hell, what made them think that they could kill him on Earth? Or maybe he had too much trust in San.

Either way, the bounty on San, Seonghwa, and Minjun's head were enough to set him up for a life of freedom and bliss. Something that wasn't easy to pass up. Neither was using Wooyoung to get to that goal. Unfortunately, that was also the same as putting a nail on your own coffin.

But It was the easy way out, the mastermind of the plan hiding behind a thin veil. All of them were pieces on a chessboard, the pawns being the idiots who would die first. The Rook, knights, and bishops would be hard to beat but not impossible. Then there was the Queen who was tricky, untouchable and flexible. Then the king who would stay in place waiting to be protected.

Blue eyes looked at the rain, hearing the train whistle in the distance. Except in this game of chess, the king could destroy the entire board game and all the pieces on it. San sneezed, wondering who was talking behind his back, when the train began to slow down. Han-gyeol better not be trash talking.

San looked at Ari who had asked them to stay seated so that she could make sure everyone was off the train before they took a picture. "Can I say I traveled the world now?" Yunho asked, Mingi shrugging. "I don't know, I was too busy thinking about which one would be best for our honeymoon," Mingi said, Yunho staring at him. "How does that answer my question?" Yunho asked, Yeonjun sipping the last of his drink. "This time doesn't really count, but after our honeymoon you could say you traveled the world," Mingi pointed out, San looking at the two of them.

"I'd recommend staying away from the ocean unless you want to be interrupted by a shark," Yeonjun said, Ari sliding a fish adoption form underneath his questionnaire which he signed anyway. San looked at Mingi and Yunho, thinking about what a honeymoon meant.

It was funny how the word never came up in any of the conversations that San remembered, looking at his human. "What's a honeymoon?" San asked, Wooyoung turning his head to look at him. "Something we should be on," Wooyoung said, still mad about the kiss. He realized what he said, looking up at San's confused face. More than anything in the world he wanted to take back what he said, looking at San.

"It's a trip that couples go on after marriage to celebrate their union," Yeosang said, San looking at Wooyoung. "Apart from other things," Hongjoong added, Wooyoung wanted to get off the train as soon as possible. San pouted, still clueless. He'd search it up on the internet later. That place had a lot of answers. "Wait," San said, Wooyoung panicking a little. Oh so it clicked.

Wooyoung looked at San who turned to him with wide eyes, his lips making an oh shape. His lips are so kissable. "Did you just propose to me?" San joked, Wooyoung snorting as he tried to hold back his laugh. San looked so cute. "Don't you think we're moving too fast?" San said in a joking tone that made Wooyoung laugh more. San smiled, hearing Wooyoung's laugh, turning back to face Seonghwa.

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