Chill Afternoon

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Shiber heard the doorbell ring, his cookbook that was floating in the air setting itself down on the counter. At this time of day, it was either Han-gyeol or Hyunyee, Wilson and Minjun disappearing all afternoon. It was good that they did. He couldn't stand to see Minjun. He also couldn't stand to see Wilson stepping out of line when he had never done that before. It was new to him, and frankly he needed Han-gyeol to be back so that they could talk about it. Shiber grabbed a towel, drying his hands before he made his way to the door.

"Han-gyeol you could have -" Shiber said, going quiet when he saw the bouquet of flowers and the tall figure in the doorway. "Flower delivery," Blue eyes said, bringing the flowers down to show his handsome face. Blue eyes waited to be kicked off the doorstep or be invited inside, not expecting Shiber to smile.

"She'll love them," Shiber said, taking both of the bouquets, while stepping to the side to let him in. Blue eyes returned the smile walking inside but not as far as the living room. "What brings you here? Besides the flowers," Shiber asked, walking him in. Hyunyee always got the same bouquet of flowers every week for the past few years, the delivery person never being one to deliver the flowers himself of course. Shiber assumed that today was different.

Blue eyes sat down in the living room, Shiber using his powers to get him tea, coffee, and water. "I wanted to see Hyunyee and Han-gyeol but they don't seem to be here," Blue eyes said, with a smile finding a picture of them on one of the shelves. It was cute Han-gyeol actually smiling for once as Shiber stood behind her holding up the peace sign above her head wearing a winter beanie. Wilson and Hyunyee wore matching sweatshirts with a Christmas tree in the background. It looked like a family photo. Blue eyes smiled, putting the frame back as he looked at the other pictures that decorated the shelves.

"They're on a grocery store run," Shiber said, Blue eyes nodding without looking at him. He was glancing at all the photos, making his way to a collection of polaroids that hung on a string. "You seem like a close family," Blue Eyes said, looking at Shiber who wore a real smile, even though it was microscopic. Shame. At least he was powerful enough to protect them. One polaroid had Hyunyee and Wilson laughing on a roller coaster while Shiber had his shut tight and Han-gyeol wore the most rest bish face he'd ever seen. Blue Eyes looked at each photo all the while wondering what could have been more important than this for any of them.

Blue Eyes stopped right before he stepped on something Shiber had wanted to get rid of, deciding against it last minute. His eyes fell down to it, Shiber not bothering to destroy it anymore. Blue eyes stood tall, his steps light, crouching down to pick it and several other ones up. He held up the only small black scale still intact, turning to smile at Shiber, the sun shining a bit through the clouds. Shiber had cleaned up after the little murder last night knowing full well nobody was going to miss the thing. He didn't clean up well enough it seemed.

"They messed with Will?" Blue eyes asked, the black scale in his hands vanishing.

Shiber had no reaction whatsoever, satisfied when Blue eye's smile fell a bit. On the inside, he wanted to strangle him for using his brother's nickname for Wilson wondering what their relationship was. How the hell did this guy know his baby brother? This was his third (?) time seeing this guy in his entire life and the first time he'd seen him on Earth. Nowhere before, after, or in between was he aware of Blue Eyes knowing anything about Minjun.

"I'm not here to make you overthink," Blue Eyes said, Shiber looking at him. "Of course," Shiber said. Blue eyes sat down, drinking his tea in silence, before putting on another smile. The two hadn't said anything in a few minutes. Blue Eyes was slightly disappointed that Shiber wasn't more intimidated by him wondering if he should introduce himself. In human form no one knew him so it was depressing since it didn't have the same effect as when he was a demon.

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