The Beginning of the End

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~•~•~•~ Slight mentions of Violence and some graphic details  ~•~•~•~

San was cuddled up in Wooyoung's arms, laying his head on his chest, as he watched the movie on the giant screen. He was eating popcorn, feeding Wooyoung while they all sat down on the grass having their snacks and enjoying the movie. The rain had stopped too, some stray clouds hanging around in the sky, the moon shining down on them.

San was paying attention to the movie but at the same time his mind was also paying close attention to the idea of a Wooyoung chest shaped pillow because it was comfy and it made him feel safe. Something he really wanted to feel.

"I don't support this unhealthy relationship," Hongjoong said, laying down on Mingi's leg as Mingi leaned back on his arms. "Hyung, it's not unhealthy," Mingi said, laughing, as the second male lead lied about the first male lead not being there. "He's putting her feelings first," Mingi said, Yeonjun knowing the ending and knowing that Mingi was right wishing Hongjoong was right.

"I mean I still have a crush on Darcy," Yunho admitted, Hongjoong leaning in to high-five him. "What part of the movie reminds you of Darcy?" Yeosang asked, laughing as Yunho shrugged. Everyone went back to the movie, laughing when the female lead and the second male lead ran away from the first male lead.

Yeosang lay back into Yeonjun's chest, Jongho using his leg as a pillow. Seonghwa was using Yeonjun's shoulder as a pillow, Yunho letting Mingi use his while Wooyoung leaned into Yunho. None of them were really sure why Yeonjun chose a romantic movie over a thriller or action like he usually would. The movie was interesting though, heart fluttering, and perfect to create a calm morning vibe before sunrise.

Wooyoung couldn't help but hear San's thoughts as he was watching the movie smiling while he lay back. "Should I style my hair like that?" San thought, his hair style changing to male lead's on screen, styling it up. Wooyoung smiled watching San's hair fall back down covering his face a bit. He hadn't gotten a haircut since he got here, but it looked more trimmed around the edges.

"How would Wooyoung look...?" San thought, picturing his boyfriend with longer hair. "I could play with his hair," San thought, Wooyoung blushing a little when he San thought about how it would feel to tug it, loving how soft his human's hair was. He'd keep the scissors away from his hair for a while. The thought of San tugging his hair, made him want to stay as far away from the demon as possible. But the movie gave him an excuse to stay.

Wooyoung swore he thought San whimpered, looking down to see that San was looking up at him. "I really want to kiss you," San thought, starting up at Wooyoung. "And I really wanna fuxk you," Wooyoung thought, starting right back at San. Wooyoung applauded himself for being honest with himself at least once this entire night. He also mentally slapped himself for thinking about that when he had that demon to think about. Wooyoung didn't know how long they were looking at each other like that, San's eyes turning a dark red wine color.

"All I need to do is turn around," San thought, not realizing he was pouting. San thought he saw Wooyoung lean down closer, wondering if he should just go for it. Wooyoung wouldn't say no would he? He also wanted to know what he would do if he snapped, sooner than later.

"BRO WHY WOULD YOU!?" Yeonjun shouted, scaring Wooyoung and San both. Oh yeah, their friends were still with them. And they were still watching a movie. Oh. Wooyoung and San both looked away, giving themselves a minute to recover from whatever thoughts they were having. San was debating if he should come up with an excuse to get up and leave. He needed some air. Funny since he was surrounded by it.

San moved closer to Wooyoung, pretending that didn't happen, their eyes meeting again by accident. This time San looked away first while talking in a low breath. Wooyoung hated himself as he took in a breath too, his eyes falling back onto the screen. He looked ticked and sad, trying to keep his hands to himself again. Wooyoung felt drunk off of San's presence, knowing that he should sober up.

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