One Peacefully Night

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"Make it stop, for the love of Lucifer may he rest in pieces make it stop." Wilson protested, the phones in the house ringing even though he pulled the plug and burned each and everyone of their cellphones.

"I hope you guys don't mind a side of extra protein." Shiber said, flicking as many ants as he could off the kitchen counter, as he debated going out to eat. 

If he only he hadn't put that much effort in the into making dinner. 

Han-gyeol was using his powers to make the pigeons freeze in mid-air using a net to capture all of them before they messed up his library and before he did anything rash and caused another mass-extinction. 

"Do you want me to kill you like I killed your ancestors?" Han-gyeol said, smacking the pigeons, and thinking about how annoying dinosaurs were too.

Hyunyee was helping him using her powers to send them all outside, Wilson crying as he held his ears.

"Han-gyeol can you make it stop please?" Wilson said, Han-gyeol sighing as he just put the pigeons to sleep, letting out a frustrated sigh as he cleaned up the ants and made the ringing stop for as long as he could. 

"Thank you." Wilson said, running over to hug Han-gyeol who patted his back walking towards the kitchen. 

"Should we wait for the Minjun guy?" Hyunyee asked, a bit disturbed at all the sleeping pigeons  in the house. 

"If you want the ringing to start again and we can't even enjoy our dinner then sure." Shiber said, Wilson frowning a bit as one of the pigeons started to twitch waking up as the ringing started again. 

"And since when was he welcome here?" Shiber added on, looking at Wilson who looked away. 

"Since he brought us back to life?" Han-gyeol said, trying to remind Shiber who shook his head. 

They all let out a sigh, Shiber getting them some thick ear plugs and a heck ton of bird seed to help distract the birds, as he smiled a little. 

"So I have an idea." Shiber began, everyone looking at him as they started to help themselves to some dinner. 

"San has to distribute his powers to do all this right?" Shiber asked, looking at Han-gyeol who froze before he could put the fork in his mouth, Hyunyee looking lost as Wilson looked at all of them wondering where this was going. 

"Meaning he's already doing it?" Han-gyeol asked, the realization hitting him in the face like a pigeon did earlier. 

San was protecting hell, protecting his friends, and he his throne all with his powers. 

"That explains why he seems so relaxed all the time." Shiber said. "He doesn't even bat an eye sometimes." 

"What does that mean?" Hyunyee said, wondering why Shiber didn't own a restaurant instead of doing this whole revolution thing.  

"He never stops using his power." Han-gyeol summed up.  

"THAT'S WHY HE CAN'T USE HIS POWERS SOMETIMES!?" Wilson asked, his brain catching up. 

"Yeah, because he uses it for a lot of things, he gets overwhelmed and needs a break before starting again."  Han-gyeol said, looking at Shiber who took a bite with a small smile. 

"Should we make it happen or wait till it happens?" Hyunyee asked, Wilson wondering the same thing. 

"Wilson which works best?" Shiber asked, Wilson closing his eyes to check. 

"We have to make it happen and then wait if that makes any sense." Wilson said, Shiber taking another bite of his food. 

"Okay then." Shiber said, not sure what else to say and wondering if he should send a batch of pigeons to San as a present. 

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