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~•~•~•~ Day Seven ~•~•~•~

Wooyoung woke up in his bed buried in blankets as he opened his eyes looking around a bit. He needed a time machine so he could back to last night. 

"San." Wooyoung called out sleepy not escaping his warm blanket cocoon that he wanted to drag San back into.

"Good Morning human." San said quietly, making Wooyoung look up at him with half open eyes.

San was leaning against the headboard, thankfully not too far away from him, hugging the plushie that he had got him.

Wooyoung looked up at him, closing his eyes before taking some of the blankets off of him, turning to lay on his side, as he stretched out his arm.

San looked at Wooyoung as he patted the area next to him, reaching out his hand to him wanting to hug the other.

"Hug please." Wooyoung asked quietly, his eyes still closed as he lay still. 

San looked at him, scooting down until he was Wooyoung's height and rolling into his arms, making it so that they were face to face by accident.

"Thank you." Wooyoung said, coming closer to him so that their noses touched but their lips didn't.

Wooyoung felt all his worries and thoughts disappear, his heart feeling right at home, falling asleep instantly as he hugged San.

San looked at Wooyoung, wondering how someone could be this cute and handsome at the time, the memory of last night and the dream that he had where Wooyoung said he liked him coming back to him.

Wooyoung saying that he couldn't like him back and apologizing came to mind right afterwards making whatever happy mood he had created for himself disappear.

He understood his human's circumstance and respected his feelings but part of him knew he was neglecting his own feelings.

It hurt a lot no matter how many times he told himself it was okay.

It hurt when Wooyoung looked sad over Changbin even if they were talking to each other again, it hurt when he went on that date, it hurt when he didn't take care of himself, and it hurt to think that Wooyoung might like someone else.

He never intended to stay, let alone start to like it here with Wooyoung.

Or like Wooyoung.

He didn't even know where it started or how he fell for the other. He didn't even know what love was and still didn't having had none of it in his life. 

He woke up one day and started to feel like he wanted to be closer to Wooyoung. Learn about the things he liked, the things he didn't like, what things made him smile, the things that made him cry.

He never even saw it coming if he was going to be honest with himself.

One day he wanted to be the reason that Wooyoung smiled, he wanted to be the person he could lean on when he was crying, he wanted to get him the things he liked.

He just wanted to be there for him.

Even if it was from a far.

Yeah it hurt but he could handle it. He could keep on lying to himself until the lie became the reality. 

It would happen eventually right?

San looked at Wooyoung's small smile as the other was still asleep, making his train of thought stop, as low pain grew in his heart.

What hurt the most wasn't any of that though, since he could brush those feelings aside with ease. 

It was seeing Wooyoung happy without him.

He loved to see Wooyoung happy and he always wanted him to be happy there was no doubt about that with or without him.

But whenever he was really happy it hurt.

Everything about Wooyoung felt like home, from his smile to the way he treated him and took care of him. And when he looked happy without him he felt like he didn't have a home anymore.

He felt like he didn't belong anywhere.

It was probably a shitty way of thinking but his brain was telling him it made sense. It was funny because if it were anyone else he wouldn't be acting like this.

San held back his tears, his years of acting like a total emotionless demon being forgotten.

True they were going on date, but Wooyoung could have just said yes to protect his feelings. 

Wooyoung opened his eyes, looking at San as though he felt his sadness, his sleep disappearing, missing the way San shut his eyes quickly and pretended to be asleep.

Wooyoung brought San closer, resting his chin lightly on his head, as he kissed it.

San felt the feeling that he was starting to hate creep back up as he let go of all of his thoughts enjoying the feeling of being with Wooyoung.

He'd treasure it for as long as it would last.

It was all only temporary anyway.

"I want you here with me." Wooyoung said quietly, having heard part of San's thoughts. 

"I'm scared about the day you're going to go back because the thought of life without you-" Wooyoung began his voice low. "It's going to be shitter than the time you walked in to fix it." 

Wooyoung stayed quiet, San staying equally quiet as he opened his eyes slightly. 

San needed to know how he felt so he could stop thinking like that. 

"Don't leave me." Wooyoung whispered, almost as though he didn't want San to hear it. 

San hugged Wooyoung tighter, bringing him closer as he looked up at him, wondering if he meant what he said.  

One look into Wooyoung's eyes and he hated himself for even doubting what he said. 

San didn't know what to say, Wooyoung actually crying as he closed his eyes and hugged San again, not letting him see. 

San got up a helping Wooyoung up, hugging him as he let him cry on his shoulder for a bit, Wooyoung pulling away after a while. 

San wiped Wooyoung's tears away, his brain going out of order, as he held out his pinky. 

"I promise I won't leave you." San said, Wooyoung smiling a little as he looked at San. 

He stuck out his pinky, making a pinky promise with San who tackled him into the bed. 

"Thank you for being my human." San said, Wooyoung smiling as he hugged him back, neither them knowing how to really feel besides being a little relieved. 

"I should be the thankful one." Wooyoung said, looking at San who was on top of him. 

"You saved me." Wooyoung said, leaning up to kiss San since it felt right, letting himself fall back down, looking up at San who looked surprised and lost at the same time. 

Wooyoung didn't expect it, but San leaned down kissing him back, as he let his full weight crush Wooyoung hugging the life out of him. 

Wooyoung threw ever bad thought of out his head, leaving San at a loss for words. 

Wooyoung hugged back, kissing his demon's cheek as San hid his blushing face in the crook of his neck. 

"I fell for you harder than I ever thought I would." Wooyoung thought, not saying anything out loud."You sent me free falling beach so take responsibility."


Sorry about all the errors everyone, I try to double check but I skip over some sometimes :( 

This chapter came out of nowhere hehe... 

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