Who the Duck Invented this Ride?

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Hongjoong being the demon he was, used his powers to beat all of them there. The night was getting colder so he quickly checked everyone's wardrobe choices before looking around just in case a demon missed the memo. 

"Powers. That's cheating so you lose hyung." Yeosang said, Hongjoong shaking his head no.

"You didn't say that before we started." Hongjoong smiled.

"I mean we thought it was a given." Jongho said, admitting defeat since they didn't say it and had no way to prove it was true.

"San and Seonghwa didn't use their powers though, so you lose." Mingi said, thinking up of the perfect dare.

"Bullies." Hongjoong mumbled, not too afraid of what the dare is going to be.

That was until Jongho started a game of rock paper scissors.

"Loser has to let Hongjoong sit on their lap for the next ride." Yunho said, everyone leaving it up to fate since it wasn't that bad of a dare. 

For everyone except, Seonghwa who had no idea what that meant but he was going to bring his A game just in case. 

Yeosang quickly reminded Seonghwa how to play as they all joined, around five people in front of them for the ride.

"YEESS!" Wooyoung and Jongho said at the same time, hugging and congratulating each other on the win.

"WE'RE FREE TOO!" Mingi and Yunho shouted having conspired together to both play rock.

"Isn't that cheating?" Hongjoong asked, Yunho and Mingi looking away as they denied the absurd accusations. 

Yeosang, Seonghwa, Jongho, and San were left.

Seonghwa hoped for a miracle, playing paper, and almost crying when San and Yeosang both played scissors, Jongho changing his super quickly to rock too and celebrating with Snowball. 

Maybe Seonghwa didn't know how this game worked.

"I've never been so happy it's you." Yeosang said with a smile giving San a giant hug as the two jumped up and down in happiness.

Seonghwa looked over at Hongjoong who was debating if he should have used his powers now instead of earlier, looking up at Seonghwa apologetically and with a nervous smile. 

"You look like you murdered my entire family, it's just a dare Mr. Kim. Relax." Seonghwa said, walking to the roller coaster line as Yeosang turned to him, taking his hand to make him sit next to him.

"It's not you I'm worried about." Hongjoong said, sitting next to Jongho who was hiding Snowball in his coat.

"Hyung make sure she doesn't fall please." Jongho asked, as the roller coaster started to move.

"No promises." Hongjoong said, watching Snowball look at him annoyed.

Wooyoung held San's hand holding it in the air, Yeosang doing the same with Seonghwa, as Yunho and Mingi did the same, Jongho holding onto Snowball as Hongjoong took some time to panic and used the excuse of the roller coaster to scream his heart out. 

After they got off, Hongjoong felt his voice go hoarse, finding some water somewhere as everyone gave him a weird look, expect San. 

"Where's the next ride?" Hongjoong asked, chugging down the water as if he didn't scream more than the 10 year old sitting in front. 

In a few short minutes, Hongjoong and Seonghwa were standing next to each other wondering who in the world came up with this ride and if they were in hell like they belonged.

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