f o r t y - n i n e

51 13 0

Athena Jones

For the past few months, I've been going back and forth between hospital and Hogwarts, Malfoy visiting me in these past few months have lessened too, he says he gets stuck at some work with his father.

He'll meet once a week, or maybe once in two week, he picked up a habit of writing me letters it doesn't say much just that he's been stuck with some work. Hazel writes me too, it's been weeks I've seen her or any of my friends she tells me that Dahlia's been her same weird self, even Blaise is starting to act distant. William's been on his own, Adrian is all she had for now, but somethings up with him too. She says everything at Hogwarts seemed tensed ever since the news of Harry Potter, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger getting disappeared came out few months ago.

And I feel like I can agree that everything seemed tensed.

I came Hogwarts yesterday. Took my O.W.L's, would leave by tomorrow, my dad's still visiting the hospital in London for his therapy sessions spoiler alert, there has been no improvement, only worsen but my mother doesn't want to tell me that.

"He'll get better soon," she repeats again and again to me and my aunt.

My aunt's been not well seeing her brother like this, it's understandable. Even I'm not well seeing my father like that, makes me want to cry everytime I see him.

The holidays are starting from tomorrow, when I came back for the tests, meeting my friends after a long time was just another plus point, but still it felt like everything was drifting apart. We were drifting apart day by day with me not being at Hogwarts.

I wrote a letter to Malfoy two weeks ago. I don't know why, maybe it feels like things are getting more distant between us lately too, lately. It felt like it started just yesterday and now we're barely able to meet eachother. In the beginning when he was stuck with some work with his father we used to write each other every night, it was like we couldn't let go. But now, it barely happens twice a week. I miss him.

This was not fair. My dad's dying, my mom's slipping away with him too, and my friends are slipping away on the other hand.

I haven't seen a single sight of Malfoy today, I saw him yesterday when taking tests, but he didn't really talk to me, he seemed preoccupied by his own thoughts, he gave the tests and left, after that I didn't see him, he didn't came for me.

Now today, I have tried going to his room even though Hazel told me not to, I did anyways but he wasn't there, so I left.

"Let's go to Hogsmade and have some drink," Hazel says that snaps me out of my thoughts, we were sitting on the common room's couch, just me and her. The students were already going back to their houses for the holidays.

"Why? Adrian left?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah," she sighs propping her legs up on the couch, "Me and Willie will go back visit the orphanage," she adds as I nod.

"Let's go get Willie" I say taking in a deep breath, standing up from the couch and pull her with me.

We entered Willie's rooms bursting open the door only to see it empty.

"Where are they?" I frown along with Hazel.

"I don't know, looks like it's just the two of us," she shrugs.

It wasn't like this between us before, we knew where the other was, we didn't hide stuff from eachother, now I think that's all we do.

I nod at her when we turned around to leave, but a conversation made us halt our steps near the door, and press our ears as we heard Malfoy's voice.

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