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Year 4
Draco Malfoy

As I sat in front of McGonagall, I cleared my throat, drawing her attention with her slightly cocked-down glasses.

"So, you're saying that you made a prank on Mr. Nott?" After a little pause, she began.

I have been recounting what happened in Nott's room to her for over fifteen minutes at this point. Throwing Jones into this simply didn't sit right with me, and I despised this sensation that I wanted to lie for her.

Instead of telling her what had happened, I lied and claimed that I was the one who perpetrated a prank on Nott that went horribly wrong.

Nott had a concussion he did not entirely remember what happened yesterday night, I did stay with him till he woke up this morning, I oblivated him before he woke up, making Theodore forget what actually happened, I told him that, I was trying to prank him and it went wrong, due to him not actually remembering what happened he believed me pretty easily.

As soon as I told McGonagall about this, she went silent for a second, then shook her head and smiled.

"You're a smart boy, Malfoy."

She wasn't mad, she believed my lie easily.

There's a reason I'm the favourite student of this school. I can do whatever I want and get whatever I want.

But something about this is bothering me. I've never seen Jones lose control like that, this was something unexpected, unexpected and dangerous.

The more"I think about it, the more the sensation of fear begins to rise.

I know I can keep this secret easily, but still, there's that voice inside me that's telling me something, something that's screaming at me that something isn't right with Jones, her emotions are something out of control.

And I have no idea why I'm lying for her. What is wrong with me.

There's also another thing that I'm thinking about. Jones hates me, and I can't blame her for that, she certainly has reasons to. But even with all that, when I saw her emotions rise to such a level, I didn't hesitate and actually tried to help her.

Why did I do that? It makes no sense. It's completely off-character from my normal behaviour.

"Mr. Malfoy are you sure you're not lying-"

I immediately shot a look at her "Why would I lie and put myself into this? I already told you there was no one else other than me and Nott" I said frowning as I adjusted himself into my seat.

"Very well then, tell your father I'd like to have a word with him" she concluded leaning back on her chair.

I nod my head, my mind racing with all kinds of thoughts. This whole situation seems all bizarre to me, everything in it feels weird and confusing. I can't understand why I'm trying to help Jones at all. I just don't get it.

"I'll pass that message along, Professor." Then I head for the door, but as soon as I'm outside of her office, my head feels like it's going to explode. I need to get to my room, I need to clear my mind of all of these bizarre thoughts.

This is unlike me, to lie, to try to help someone who hates you... there's something weird here, and I haven't the slightest idea of what.

When I walked into the Slytherin common room, I was still cursing myself. To my astonishment, I went to her room instead of going to mine. It was the good time for me to see her covertly since everyone was undoubtedly attending their lessons as usual. I wasn't exactly sure why I wanted to do it.

I pondered my next move before making two loud knocks on the door "Dahlia, please, I don't want anything," she responded

"It's me," I said, trying to sound normal as I pressed his ear to the door to hear her when the door flew open. I cleared my throat before speaking.

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