t h i r t e e n

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Draco Malfoy

I watch her walk away from me

She’ll hate me again in no time.

And when I come to think about it, I was actually kind of irritated that this “open up” conversation ended so soon. I should’ve known that she would want to go back to her “normal” me tormenting her and her hating me for it.

I sigh and leaned back against the wall again. I don’t see the point of doing all of that, like actually trying to be a decent person to her just to return back to that dynamic.

Was I trying to be a good person just for the sake of it? Or did I expect something in return from her? I didn’t know myself. And frankly, I didn’t know if I even wanted to know the answer to that.

I sighed to myself before walking back to my own room

As I walked, I felt a small wave of relief come over me, it seems like this would now be the end of any awkward interaction between me and her, things could return to normal.

And just as I thought that, I suddenly stopped mid-step. I couldn’t help but feel a small pit forming in my stomach because I knew I had to ask myself.

Did I really want to go back to normal?

My head and heart were at an internal war with one another, my logic brain telling me to stop being an idiot and go back to hating, while the small irrational and more human side of myself was telling me to see where this new path might lead.

A week ago when she came to my room crying about how that bastard Rosewood laid hands on her I have never felt the need to beat someone up that badly, unfortunately someone already beat me to it because when me, Brooks and Zabini saw Rosewood he was already dealing with a broken nose and a hand, that didn’t stop us from giving him at least one punch though.

A thought came to my mind, what if she opened up to me again? Would I be able to stop myself from giving in? Or would I actually give in and try to be a good person.

The more I thought about it, the more the war in my mind escalated and as it seemed I was leaning slightly more towards, trying to be a good person, not being able to let go of my logical thinking.

Just as I was walking towards my room I saw Astoria in front of me, the one person I have been avoiding.

I roll my eyes as she looks at me with her fake innocence. She just doesn’t understand the meaning of break up.
“Draco,” she said in that overly-sweet voice of hers that always annoyed me to death. It’s like every time she spoke she wanted to sugar-coat every word. Even the meanest thing would come out of her mouth like she was asking you to help out with her homework.

I groaned inside and looked at her with annoyance.

“Yeah?” I said, I knew what was coming next but I asked anyway, I tried to sound as annoyed as I could.
The thing is I’ve been avoiding her because if I didn’t I’d get pulled back into her vicious cycle.

“I’ve been wondering why you’ve been avoiding me?” She said leaning forward onto her toes, trying to look cute.

“because we broke up because you wanted to sleep with other people, which you were already doing so, I don’t I think I just completed a formality” I say narrowing my eyes
She laughed that fake laugh that she always did, as if trying to hide her discomfort and not wanting to admit we had broken up.

“Come one Draco, that was just a test”, she smiled “I wanted to see if you’d really let me go that easily, you know? That you wouldn’t fight for us.”
I just sighed before I spoke back, trying to keep my cool.

Malfoy | A Draco Malfoy Fanfiction 18+Where stories live. Discover now