t w e n t y - f o u r

108 18 0

Draco Malfoy

"Man, she was a bitch anyways" for the past one hour Pucey and Parkinson were ranting about Astoria.

We've been catching up again after I ended things with Astoria at the start of this year, Astoria didn't like them so I never really got to talk to them when she was with me, and neither did they.

And even after telling them to shut up they keep on, trying to comfort me when I don't need comforting. I just don't—why in the hell would someone want to be reminded of something shit.

"You were only with her because of your families," I hear Pansy say.

The thing is yes but no. Does that make sense? We were together because of families but then again we were not by the time passed, atleast for me it wasn't just about families after few years.

I have been quite throughout their entire rant, and which still is going on. They won't stop. Fucking hearing her name sounds like betrayal. At the end of last year after everything with Jones, I thought giving Astoria another chance might help me not think about her, but big mistake.

I take a long breath and just focus on one thing, the hallway in front of me as we're walking towards the great hall for breakfast.

I can't believe my thoughts are being overwhelmed by this thing, of course I'm hurt and a hundred other things because of that break up — was that even a break up?

I mean that's what her words were 'we aren't even in a relationship-realtionship'

what the hell is a relationship-realtionship? even then you don't go around sleep with someone else again and again and except it to be okay?

But I can't be normal and functioning with her name being casually tossed in conversation.

I hate the fact that it's affecting me so much, just being casual and cool with it all was so much easier.

I have to stay cool.

I have the be better than this, I keep telling myself the same thing over and over again.

I should stop caring about her now, we're not in a relationship, we aren't even dating, it's not worth it.

It's not worth anything. it wasn't worth anything.

"She was a fucking bully," Pansy spats out making a face of disgust.

And she was, even if her beauty and charming personality made me ignore that fact.

I shouldn't care, I should stop being weak. I'm not weak. she was just another girl.

"you can say that again, she didn't deserve you" Pucey gives me a thumbs up "I mean she's pretty but she's so selfish and self centered, you could do so much better"

I don't response once again. I keep on walking in between them.

That night at Zabini's party, Jones asking me about Astoria was the last thing I wanted. Not her too.

She did see us arguing in the library one day, when Astoria was trying to play the victim and when I snapped back she puts on her innocent act, and crocodile tears.

Why does everyone keep reminding me about her, it's none of their business if she's with me or not, why don't they go check someone else's bed to find her.

Every time someone opens their mouths about her or even mentions her I just want to explode.

I took in a deep breath I have so many other things to give attention to, I don't give a damn about she's with now.

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