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Athena Jones

When I finally reached my room, weariness settled in my bones. However, as I placed the books on my table, I realized that one of them was missing. I groaned audibly to myself, but the exhaustion was too overwhelming to motivate me to retrieve it. Instead, I decided to leave the remaining books on the table and collapsed onto my bed.

I don’t know where  Hazel and Dahlia are right now, maybe they’re with Willie and Blaise.

I lied there on my bed with my arms folded behind my head, staring at the ceiling. I was contemplating a idea, a idea of doing something, I know, I can’t handle whatever power this is inside me, but I could try?

I sighed forcing myself to sit up on the edge of the bed and focus on the bed that was in front of me.

With a deep breath, I extended my hand toward the bed, attempting to summon the strength to lift it.
My mind struggled to focus, I was not sure which force to use to lift the bed so I did the only thing I was able to do, focus on the energy I felt inside me. I closed my eyes and tried to will it to move the bed, just a slight movement to show me that I have the grasp of these powers.

But nothing happened. Fuck.
Anger and frustration filled every inch of my body, why can’t I use this power that I felt, I mean it is like I am capable of great things and yet, I am just useless and helpless.

Every time I try to practice or use my powers they don’t come to me, but they do when I don’t need them and ruin everything.

My head pounding in frustration, I close my eyes burying my head in my hands, I didn’t realise that all my build up anger and frustration erupted in the room causing absolute chaos.

A force slammed every piece of furniture in the room into the wall with such a force that the wall cracked and the ceiling began to rumble. Every object in the room was thrown into chaos, even the wall clock fell onto the floor and shattered to pieces.

My body and clothing were shielded from the force and were not touched at all and was the only thing left untouched in the chaos.

I fell to the ground and lay there, staring at the destruction I’d just inflicted.

Oh no, no, no, no, I didn’t want to do this

I looked around at the mess, my heart pounding in my chest. I sat there on the floor for a few minutes, too scared to move, as if I didn’t want to break the perfect view of my failure.

Finally I forced my feet to move, and I started cleaning up. One thought kept haunting me; what if I’d killed someone instead of just messing up my room?

I’m not okay. I’m a danger to those around me, and I need to get myself under control and learn to manage this…thing… inside me.

I have to clean everything up before  Hazel and Dahlia comes, frantically I went over to my bag searching for my wand. When the knock on my door startled me. I took a deep breath walking towards the door carefully not to step on anything, I opened the door just a crack to see who it was.

“What are you doing here?” I asked Malfoy as he shows me my book in his hand the same one that had been missing when I came back from the library, I guess it went with him while we were working on that project.

“Your book came with me” he says pausing as he peeks over my head into the room to see the mess I made his expressions turning into a frown.

“Malfoy give me the bokk and leave” I tried to say as he grabbed the edge of the door pushing it open forcing me to stumble back as he enters the room.

Malfoy | A Draco Malfoy Fanfiction 18+Where stories live. Discover now