t h i r t y - n i n e

58 13 8

Draco Malfoy

When she leaves my room the ghost of smile of my face disappears, I sigh and I grab my robes after putting on my clothes, pulling my wand out and muttering 'Apparate'

Malfoy manor, the familiar stone wall covered in ivy on my far right and the manor on the left was no different, with the backdrop of a beautiful wooded hillside, there's a white marble path leading to the manor

I sighed then walked through the pathway, through the garden my mother has tried hard to manage.

I look at the garden with a grim expression and I look back at the manor, I could barely remember the time I use to love to play in this garden and the one in the backyard, how I used to explore it with—my brother.

The house elf opens the large wodden door with detailed engraved onto it.
"Welcome back master Malfoy," the elf says with a bow, I nodded and then he left.

I walk inside and I let out a long sigh as the smell of the manor takes me back to the memories I do not welcome, with that thought I start walking up the grand two way staircase.

The manor is exactly how I remembered it, every room is decorated with a different style of antique furniture and different pieces of art, the hallway has a row of portraits of Malfoy ancestor and descendants and on the far end of the hallway is a set of stairs that leads to the room at the top, the library.

It's been few weeks since I was last here, wasn't planning on coming back any soon but I have no choice in it apparently

I make my way up the stairs, one step at a time I walk on the plush carpet, the sound of my footsteps echo through the house which is completely empty, which is not the usual for this place.

"Ah looks like you finally took your time away from the half-blood," I heard Nic's voice making me snap my head back to look at him ascending through the stairs, pushing his hood back.


I take a deep breath and try not to show any emotion on my face, keeping my arms straight down my side and looking straight ahead. "Don't talk about her," I snap "Why'd you call me!"

"I think I made it clear father called you not me," he shrugs


"Uh long story short, Father excepts me to take you with me- to unalive people," he shrugs like it's a regular thing for him, which it is technically but why take me too

My eyes widen, my jaw went slack, I'm trying to process what he just said to me and I'm finding myself speechless "Wait what? you mean I watch while you kill people?"

He rolls his eyes "you can help too? But mostly for you to get used to it,"

"I'm not doing anything." I snap, my voice firm and calm but my heart is racing a million miles an hour. I've watched him torture people but having to actually be involved and actually taking life?"That's not who I am" I say.

"It's what you'll become." Nic says, his tone changing slightly "You're a Malfoy, now let's go meet father then we'll leave"

We step up to my father's study which is a large library, the walls are lined with leather bound books and a large mahogany table sits in front of both of us, my father sits on the other side of the table, he's dressed in a dark black robe and it's a little bit open right now.

He looks at me with an expressionless face and his gray eyes are piercing, he looks over at Nic who is standing next to me and he glances over to him a little while before he clears his throat and he nods in approval.

Malfoy | A Draco Malfoy Fanfiction 18+Where stories live. Discover now