t h i r t y

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At night

Me and Hazel were lying down on our beds, keeping eachother awake with our thoughts. I was still thinking about Malfoy despite my best attempts to clear my mind.

"Do you think I should go see him?" We both suddenly spoke in unison, startling the other with how in sync our thoughts were.

"You wanna see Malfoy?" She snaps her head up from our pillows looking over at me

"You wanna see Adrian? Again?" I mirrored her movements. We both had our heads shot up from our pillows, looking at each other in the way of a 'did you just read my mind' type of situation.

We both just stared at each other from across our beds for few seconds, then we both suddenly turned around to put our heads back onto the pillows and rolled our eyes as we simultaneously sighed.

"I'm sick of this bullshit" I grumbled

"Me too" she muttered back

"Just a simple visit won't mean anything right? I mean he might still be asleep from all the potion and all," I sighed.

"It's not like he wants to talk to me," I hear her say about Adrian.

She sits up from her bed and she's clearly thinking about something, I sit up along side her "What's the matter?" I say, she sighs then looks away before finally looking at me with a look of doubt on her face.

"It's just—it's all so complicated you know," she mumbles.

"I know right?" I say with a small laugh "I can't even fall for a normal guy without getting myself involved in all this bullshit."

She shakes her head "love life?. You're falling for the wrong guy and I'm hooking up with a dick who probably won't ever like me" she groans

"I'm not falling for him," I say defensively as I too sit up on my bed.

"is that so?" she raises her eyebrows "then what is this? this sudden urge to just see him after all he has said to you? do you think he'll just suddenly change and everything between you two would go smoothly?" she chuckles a little bit.

I sigh before responding to her "No I know I'm being irrational but—it's just—you know how he helped with Nott's situation and the trial, then he acted so friendly, opening up to me until the kiss happened and then he just flipped" I say snapping my fingers to emphasize my words

"yes but he's still Malfoy, the guy who's always been a total dick to you, and a dick to me and to other people as well, do you want to deal with that?" she sighs

"no I know it'll be hard" I admit, I know she's getting annoyed.

"then why do you insist on trying at all? is it simply because he's hot?"

I rolls my eyes "shut up" I says "look it's not all about how he looks, I know he's a dick and I am aware how he's treated a lot of people," I i sigh "but the way he acted was different to how he usually is"

she raises her eyebrows "so you're saying you believe he can actually change?"

I shrug "I don't know, what do I know, all I'm saying is that I want to see him, just to talk to him is all I want"

she sighs before lying back down on her bed, she looks up to the celling for a few seconds before answering me "fine, I can't say I like the plan but who am I to stop you from doing what you want," she shrugs

"You want to see Adrian again too, don't you" I say

She rolls her eyes at my comment "I'm not going too, he doesn't actually likes me or anything," she shrugged

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