Chapter 23

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The first six months of your banishment had been hard as you both adjusted to living permanently on Midgard. You had alternated between sadness at your children never knowing their grandmother or seeing Asgard and happiness as you tried to make the most of your new life here. You all celebrated the children's birthdays. Christmas and New Year came and went. Even Loki got a birthday celebration, it wasn't much but to him it was the best gift he had received.

"What is this?" Loki asked as he stepped out of the lift.

The children interrupted with a chorus of "happy birthdays" before you could open your mouth.

"Happy birthday Lo," you walked towards him and gave him a hug, whispering in his ear, "I'm sorry if the cake is a little...deconstructed; the kids wanted to help decorate it," you apologised.

Loki gave you a kiss before taking one look at the cake and guessed Bjorn had been a little too enthusiastic with the icing. "This," he declared with a smile. "Is the yummiest cake I have ever seen." Receiving massive grins from the children in response.

Loki had reluctantly taken Fury and Tony's offer; if only to take his mind off the fact he could not return to Asgard. Him and Tony both had their moments getting in each other's faces and as long as they weren't together too often it didn't make for a difficult home life at the tower.

You had asked Loki why Odin had called you "wife" only for him to tell you that he had said it to make Rían appear legitimate in the eyes of the court as he is next in line to the throne after Thor; well was. Loki refused to tell you that Odin had actually managed to have you both declared married under Asgardian law as he still wanted to ask you properly.

Now that the children were older you were able to start training again and it helped Loki could use his seiðr to stop them coming near you both when the others were unable to watch them.

You laid face first on the mat trying to catch your breath. You should probably roll onto your back make to make breathing easier but your muscles protested over the slightest bit of movement

"Come on mortal, I know you have more stamina than that."

"Give me a min," you weakly lifted an arm and tried to wave, the muscles in your shoulder protesting loudly.

Managing to move you flopped over onto your back still panting. Your shirt was sticking to you with sweat.

"I thought you liked to work up a sweat?" Loki teased with a grin as he stood over you.

"The other way is more fun," you panted out.

"Get up, we go again."

Groaning in protest you managed to get into a sitting position, Loki raised an eyebrow in response as you flopped back onto the floor.

If you thought Sif was a hard taskmaster Loki worked you even harder leaving you a sweating mess after each session. You were so out of shape but with perseverance you mastered everything he taught you.

Rían had started to join Áedán and Loki hoping to learn to use his seiðr now that he was older and seemed to follow instructions better. Loki had tried taking Bjorn with him some days hoping he might watch and learn if he wouldn't listen but it just seemed to make Loki a bit more frazzled. Astrid had started to get upset that she couldn't go with them, but she appeared to have not inherited any magic so you made a point to have a special mummy/daughter date when the boys had their training. You also showed her how to make a snowball.

Loki had told you his side of what happened during the New York invasion, finally. Only because you had walked out of your room one afternoon while the younger ones were napping to Tony and Loki arguing about you having been told. In Tony's defence he said he had only mentioned it in front of you at the hospital to make the doctor stop trying to take the twins away. That comment just seemed to make Loki even angrier.

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