Chapter 17

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"Hávi thinks to prevent the inevitable," Skuld commented as she walked away from the well.

"There is another her," Urdr spoke as she inspected the thread.

"But she will be mortal," Skuld said, as she also looked at it. "And she will not be born for another millenia. Plus we promised that we would leave the threads alone. They are not to be touched."

"Hávi has forced our hand...but how do we get her there? Verdandi asked.

"We will change her Fate when the time comes," Urdr said as she pulled the thread towards her.

- - - -

Sitting where your mother told you to stay, you watched Martin make his way towards your home.

"How is my little fairy?" He ruffled the hair on your head once he was closer, you ignored him and sat pouting on the step. "Oh dear, what did you do this time little one?"

"Mother is angry again," you sniffed out.

He just nodded and walked inside.

"Where did she run off to this time?" You heard him ask your mother.

"I found her swimming in the loch."

"Swimming in the loch?" He flashed you an impish grin from where he stood in the doorway. "That's a new one."

You had a feeling he was the reason that frog had appeared. Your scream was the only reason your mother had found you.

It's not that you didn't like Martin, there was just something about him that made him seem different. Your mother always told you he was an old friend when you asked about him.

"I'll talk to her." He told your mother before hearing footsteps come closer as he sat down next to you. For someone so old he sure didn't move like one. "So my little imp, are you ever going to stop terrorising your mother?"

You flashed him a cheeky grin. "Why do you look old?" you asked.

"Because I am old, child."

"No, you look old but your eyes aren't. The other people mum helps have old eyes - you don't."

"I'm not sure what to tell you, my child but that I am old and grey. Why don't you go play while I talk to your mother. No forests or lochs though!"

"Ok!" You smiled and ran off.

Martin turned back towards Grace. "She knows, deep down. It's fighting to break free."

- - - -

Happy that you finally managed to do what Rumlow asked and escape back to your cell with no needle or cut or bruise, you huddled on the sorry excuse for a bed shivering in the cold. Normally it would not have bothered you but after the last how ever many months of being beaten and injected actually had no idea what, not to mention the lack of food your body struggled trying to keep you alive.

You had no idea how much time had passed as you laid there shivering listening to the slow drip, the sound alerting you that you were still conscious. It became a comfort allowing you to sort reality from your dreams. Visions that felt like memories had haunted your unconscious state. They made no sense that you could determine.

Trying to remember one of them you thought you must be going crazy, your mother was there as well as a pair of eyes that looked familiar.

"Over my dead body will they take my child, Emrys. The Fates cannot have her."

The Princess of Asgard (Loki x reader)Where stories live. Discover now