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She is willing to drive 300 kilometers just to go to this restaurant to eat Maocai!

"It seems you are satisfied."

Xia Ke came back to her senses and coughed twice in embarrassment. She felt that with this table of delicious food in front of her, she definitely had no intention of listening to him, so she waved her hands.

"You'd better change it back."

World Consciousness has a good temper, and with another snap of his fingers, things are changed back.

Resisting the urge to ask why he could control her conscious space, Xia Ke glanced at the man, and did he have to snap his fingers to change it?

It seemed cool at first, but started to look dull the second time around.

World Consciousness's smile was a little stiff.


"...Stop answering my inner complaints!"

As if realizing that there was a trace of anger in Xia Ke's words, World Consciousness immediately changed the topic.

"Then let me start to explain why you appear here and what your connection is with this world."

Is it her imagination? Why did she feel that the man in front of her seemed to be a little more timid.

Not only did World Consciousness' smile become a little stiff, but his originally elegant movements also stiffened for a moment.

He coughed twice, cleared his throat, and began to explain the truth of the world to Xia Ke.

Xia Ke came into this world penniless, with nothing but an ID card and a house he was renting.

The point when she came to this world happened to be when the college entrance examination was over and she was about to choose her choice.

Since she can choose to be the top one in the country, why doesn't she go? Who doesn't have a dream of going to a famous school?

But it is different from those time-traveling seniors who step on me today and slap me in the face tomorrow, or study hard and make progress every day, dreaming of serving the motherland, etc.

She is really too poor.

The part-time job didn't last long because she always lost her job for various reasons.

But fortunately, universities in this world also have such things as student loans, so she can barely survive with the living expenses from her part-time job.

After her junior year, she finally got better, and her part-time job was not lost inexplicably for some strange reason.

After graduation, I worked, and because of an accident, I received a compensation of 6 million yuan, and became a rich woman overnight.

"Did you see anything in that?"

Xia Ke was at a loss, like a child who was called by the teacher to answer a question during a break in class, "Should I...see anything? Where there is a will, there is a way?"

World consciousness: "..."

World awareness is gentle and elegant: "Your life will get better and better because the deeper you are in contact with the world."

Xia Ke: "Ah why?"

World awareness: "You didn't take the initiative to contact people in this world at the beginning, right? You didn't have any connection with this world, and you were rejected by it."

Xia Ke thoughtfully said: "I am rejected by this world..."

World Consciousness nodded slightly: "Why did you keep losing your part-time jobs, and why were you so poor in the early days anyway? It's because the world is rejecting you and your abilities are being suppressed."

"And after you got in touch with Mr. Chu, it was like a switch. Even if the world suppresses you, it can't stop you."

Xia Ke'an: "It's like I'm some kind of big boss..."

The man leaned over and poured black tea into her empty ear-hanging cup. Hearing this, he smiled slightly and said, "Perhaps you are the big boss to this fragile world."

"This world was born because of you." Putting down the teapot, the man sat aside with an elegant posture.

His black eyes, completely different from Chu Xiangmo's, looked at her. They were so black that they seemed to absorb all the light around them and eventually disappear.

"Have you remembered?"

After his words fell, Xia Ke felt his heart tremble, as if a tenaciously growing seedling was about to break out of the ground.

The tea cup in her hand was held tightly. She looked at the handsome man in front of her and slowly lowered her eyelashes.

The thick fog seemed to have gathered a lot, but then dispersed a lot.

It seems like you can hear a pin drop in this somewhat illusory space.

"You go on first." After some time, the consciousness of the world heard the girl say in a plain voice.

He paused, then continued in his usual gentle tone.

This world was originally dead.

It is exercised step by step, and everyone in this world is repeating their past life until she enters this world.

She is so incompatible with this world and so different.

She is the same as the people in this world, but different.

The world's self-protection mechanism is suppressing her power. Likewise, when she entered this world, she lost her memory and her emotional perception was fogged.

As Chu Xiangmo's contact became deeper and deeper, his paranoia and crossing the line gradually broke through the fog inside her.

But it's not enough.

Her attention always stays on one person, so the world still cannot "live".

And because it is her, the so-called important characters in this world will be involuntarily attracted to her.

The gender is female and she pretends to be B [ABO] BOOK2Where stories live. Discover now