Chapter 160

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After weeks later of packing tons of boxes and sending them out to Lauren's place in Colorado. I think I said thank you to Laurena and Tyler a thousand times because it's going to feel weird that I won't be living with Ezra anymore; I keep looking at Ezra behind me and has been nothing but sweet and understanding of why I wanted to do this opportunity even though I know the reasons are harder for him to understand than they are for me. I appreciate that I have someone like him in my life, it doesn't feel real that almost a year ago I met Ezra in this same airport. It was the strangest thing I ever done because you only seen that in movies, but it was worth it.

"Rach?" he yells out my name as he stops in front of people standing down the uncomfortable looking chairs that you sit down at for hours, waiting for your plane. It makes my stomach turn by the nerves I have because of flying. I remember throwing up during the plane ride to college.

"Yeah?" I turn towards him.

"Are you okay? Ezra asks me as sitting down on the chair and I do the same next to him, and he rubs my knee in comfort, "Yeah. I'm just nervous," I nervously respond.

He nods his head, and starts laughing, "You will be okay." I can tell he's starting to hold back his tears then leans to the pocket on my suitcase, and pulls something out, and I notice it's his red sweatshirt, "Surprise. I want this for you because it reminds me of the first day, I fell in love with you and you were mad that there were not enough blankets, so I gave you this," he sweetly says and wiping his tears away.

I hold it out to smell that he sprayed his orange spice cologne on it and it's bringing me back to memories, then sniffed and see something dropped and it's a DVD. I grab it, and it's 'The Breakfast Club'. The first movie we watched, "I want you to watch this movie and think of me. I want you to wear this sweater and think of me. I love you Rachel so much that I don't want to ever let you go but sometimes life have other plans and I know this pain inside of us will hurt for a while but my love for you will always be there for you," he tells me as holding my hands where I'm gripping onto them like if it's the last time, I hold them.

The last time I see him.

The last time I hold him.

The last time I kiss him.

The last time I remember every feature and detail to his green eyes to his detailed tattoos especially the love he satisfied to get one to show how much he has for us.

I hold his face between my hands, "I-I" I try to hold back my tears, "I love you so much more Ezra. You are my light of the tunnel I never thought I would get out because you showed me a love, I didn't know it existed and thank you for that," I tell him and kiss him and savory every moment as hearing the flight attendant calling my flight over the speakers. We stop kissing for a second than pull back a couple a times then I grab my bags as shoving the sweater and DVD back in my suitcase.

"I got to go" I say.

"I know. Have a stay flight" he tells me as letting go my hand and grab my bags then start walking away. I don't even look back because if I do, I won't. Yet, moments later, I'm by the gate to give my ticket to the flight attendant until feeling a hand on my side, got turn around to become face to face with Ezra, and he slammed his lips against mine, "I love you, my Daisy" he whispered into the kiss as informing me as his daisy to his Jay Gatsby.

"I love you too, my Gatsby," I say it back to him then hand my ticket to the female flight attendant and begin to follow the people in front of me and begin my new life in Colorado.

But never forget about him.

"Colorado, here I come," I say to myself.

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