Chapter 143

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As waking up with the feeling of my body completely sore from sleeping on the couch. I passed out here after finding out the truth from my parents, but it made me feel better when watching cheesy Christmas movies especially when the next movie becomes cheesier than the last. I needed something cheerful since yesterday was a woodwind of a shit show that's filled with surprises. I look around as sitting up to notice Rachel cooking breakfast and bopping her head. I walk towards her, and smell bacon, eggs and toast coming out of the toaster and grab it then place it on a plastic plate, "Thank you for doing that," she sweetly says, turns around and kisses me on the cheek, "Sure. Everything smells good, and..." I wrap my arms around her waist, and kiss her neck, "So do you like strawberry,".

She laughs before grabbing a handful of chocolate chips; I lean against the corner to try to hide my laugh from her appearance in her snowman pajamas, she makes the ugliest Christmas pajamas look sexy, even with smelling like a batch of strawberries. It's unusual for her to smell a different scent other than vanilla cupcake from a bakery; I hope she doesn't mind me wanting a taste of her.

"It's ready," Rachel tells me while placing scrambled eggs and slices of bacon on plates and goes to the coffee pot maker to pour some into two cups, "I could have just coffee without the fancy breakfast," I tell her. She nods her head slowly and doesn't look at me when taking her plate by the stools; I sign, walk to her and move her body towards me, "I'm sorry I mean that, look..." I grab a piece of bacon and take a bite, "Delicious," I say between bites. She smiles a little, bites into the bacon, "I think I'm the better chef".

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