Chapter 138

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When hearing Ezra slamming the bedroom shut, I suddenly heard the loud sound; I took off my shoes and jacket and didn't bother putting them up; I seem to be picking up some habits from Ezra from being lazy and messy like a little kid throwing all of their toys around the clean-living room. The slamming door sound sends cold chills down my spine when thinking about the times where the hinges of the door will be coming off of the door in my childhood house.

My father would be spending weeks building new ones for all of the bedrooms and bathrooms due to my mother's temper; I know from what I have witness half of my childhood that her temper was worse than if you were lighting a fire up Satan's ass if you made her mad about something even if tire something simple as breaking a dish. I still have the scar above my collarbone. I touch it for a minute and I'm shaking my head as well as the memory, then walk to the sink.

I grab a glass from the dishwasher, fill it up and take a sip so I can smoot my throat that feels like a burning fire. I go around the corner to check the bedroom and take a sit on the stool to play the waiting game which it's taking every ounce of patience to not yell.


My patience is running against a thin, clear line as I wait for the bedroom door and see Ezra say something like 'sorry' or anything really, but I know it won't happen from me waiting here with a warm glass of red wine I poured five minutes earlier. I take the last sip of my drink before walking towards the bedroom. I jiggle the handle, it's closed. I sign and try figure out how to open it because he's going to answer the door if I knock so I take out a bobby pin and use it to unlock the lock like you would read in a Nancy Drew book.

I hear the door unlocking, see the bathroom door open with the light is open and Ezra is sitting in the shower when the water running; I knock on the door, he doesn't look up. I open the door a wave of steam hits my face to clearly see Ezra sitting on the ground, soaking wet and his head between his face, "What's going on?" I ask. I take off my jewelry and throw it on the ground before sitting in the shower.

"Ezra, please tal–".

He puts his hand over my mouth, "I need silence . Please," he begs with his eyes looking glossy underneath the water, and I only nod then move his hand away and hold it for a second then he slides me between his legs. I notice his black suit is completely soaked through his body, clinging everywhere I can see the outline of his abs, but I try to annoy them. Ezra tilts my head, moves my hair out of my face, and kisses my forehead, "I love you,".

I don't say it back. I only nod and kisses his hand. I close my eyes, lean my body against his body while he holds me as the water continue soaking us. I wish mistakes can be like this, where all of the mistakes we have made can be down the drain. But it can't. It's not simple, like this.

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