Chapter 147

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I continue sitting down on one of the leather couches, and I swear these couches are never washes or even steamed because it's like I can feel or see the amount of cigarette burns on the arms and half of them are from mine; those burns are from the past two years. I can't wait for the day I can graduate in five months which feels weird, I have been dreaming about that day since I got accepted. For almost years of bullshit, blowjobs and people with bubbleheads who only care about nothing else but themselves. In their world of getting high and drunk is more important than trying to be an actual human being.

I look around the area of people holding cups filled with strawberry vodka and cinnamon fireball. I see Rachel dancing in the corner, slowly moving her hips to the beat of the music and sipping her drink. I adjust myself in my seat to hopefully clam down and try to keep myself here before I can't control myself.

Moments later, I roll my eyes when Olivia starts walking towards me as wearing the tiniest dress, I ever seen that you can probably see her whole ass if she tried to move in inch. She smiles as lowering her body onto my lap, "Happy to see me?" she asks, and wraps her arms around my neck, "I would be happier if you get the fuck off of me," I respond but she doesn't the message, then looks over her shoulder to make everybody minding to look at her until a devilish raising on her face. I see Rachel is nowhere to found. Fuck!

"Get the fuck off of me!" I yell.

Olivia cocks her head, makes a thinking face "I like this seat," she laughs a little as moving her hips side to side until slightly push her off, then start walking off but look behind me to see her on her ass and shake my head that I'm that much of a dick to her seduce me in front of me. I swear sometimes I let my dick to do all the talking instead of my mouth.
I spend at least fifteen minutes trying to find Rachel, searched every inch of the house from inside to outside. I called and texted her multiple times but there's no answer and I'm started to get scared because there's no way that she would walk home by herself. I have no who to ask, I trust no one in the party and it's the reason why I didn't want to come to the party. I stumble through the crowed room to the kitchen to find Sebastain.

"Hey," I grab on his shoulder, he turns around, "Dude! What's up?" he yells through my face and my nose scrunches from the smell of his breathe, "What the fuck did you drink?" I ask. He looks in at his cup, shrugs his shoulders, "I don't remember." I roll his eyes, still look around of hope I will see her from the distance but nothing, "Whatever. Have you seen Rachel? I can't find her at all," I tell with a sight of panic. This is a same feeling of not knowing where she is, it's the same feeling I had when she ran to Henry months ago. Henry. I quickly grabbed my phone from my back pocket and text him.

*Hey, Is Rachel with you? Or heard from her? *

I see the bubble popping up *Happy new year. And no, I haven't heard from her. I'm sorry*

"Any sign?" Sebastian wonder, sips her drink and I shake my head and puts my phone back in my jeans, "I'm going to continue looking for her." I walk away, and head to upstairs for hoping I can find her.

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