Chapter 150

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I have laying on this couch and staring at the ceiling fan for past ten minutes like I have for the past two days. I don't even what to think about going home because I might see Ezra to probably hear his bullshit excuses and, I don't need to hear because his excuses are only filled with pain and lies to not close of the truth, especially his so-called excuse of what happen to have think having Olivia on his lap when I was too drunk to remember half of the details. The only detail I remember screaming at Ezra for almost punching a guy to death. The thought of that happening, the feeling of the guy's fingertips on my skin almost makes me sick. The sick feeling that I let him back in my life to only hurt me again and again.

I'm done with his excuse and letting me be screwing up of any chance we get to a good place but now he screwed up more painful and must see him. I get up from the couch, and it feels weird to in another guys' shirt besides his. It doesn't smell like his new cologne, citrus and woods. Alex bought out some clothes for me to sleep in, but the pants didn't fit so now I'm completely half-naked at my best friend's house.

"Good morning!" I hear Alex coming around the corner, wearing boxers and a white t-shirt as rubbing his eyes. I try to focus of how the white t-shirt makes his body all built but he has a slimmer body than Ezra, he's built like a brick house from every inch of muscle, "Good morning. I want to thank you again for letting me stay here, I'm sorry it was out of the blue," I apologized, looking around the place where's a ton of boxes and seems like he just moved in. Alex waves, "It's fine. You are the first visitor here in Alex land," he spreads his arms in a welcome way, and I laugh, "Plus Maya would like meet you," he says as going by the coffee pot, and makes some.

"Whose Maya and where's your coffee cups?" I ask and going the kitchen to see more boxes. I see more boxes.

"She's my girlfriend, and we just moved in together last week and check the box by the dishwasher," he tells, and a coffee pot. I nod, and look in the box then grabbing random thing out then seeing a tow cups wrapped in bubble wrap, "Found them," I set on them on the table and he smiles as pouring the coffee in.

An hour later of driving towards to my apartment, I'm crossing every toe and finger of a sign of hope that I don't have to run into Ezra because I'm not in the mood of hearing all of his meaningless excuses that only bring me pain and soars to my core. I bet he made up a bunch of them in the last twelve hours. Alex keeping looking at me and waiting for me to crack like an egg.

"I'm sorry that you must go through all this trouble to drive me back to the apartment. You probably have better things to do," I apologize of being annoying and needy, but I have no choice since his brother is the opposite of a saint and now, I must see him today during his mother's special day.

"It's fine Rachel but if you don't mind me asking, but what happened last night?" he asks.

Shit! I was hoping I wouldn't have to answer this question, the truth I want to tell that I almost got assaulted and he decided to fight off the guy and letting me leave with a stranger when he was too busy with someone else.

"We had a fight that turned into an explosion, but I really don't want to get into," I lie, and he nods of knowing I'm lying, "Well I'm sorry to hear that. I got you," he tells me as rubbing my shoulder, and I smile of luck I got him as a best friend and lucky he gave me a jacket that's his girlfriend has.


"I only have to grab a couple of things for the wedding," I say to Alex as walking into the apartment, and surprise that the place isn't filled with broken glass or can't smell of liquor like it usually does even when I burn a scented candle. I glance at the living room where I see Eza on the couch with his head between his legs before looking up to see us, "Alex got it from here," I say to him, and he grabs my arm to pull me in the hall, "Are you sure you can do this because I can quickly grab some things for you,".

I look at Ezra who had those begging eyes across the room, then close back the door, "I think I can hand it but thank you for everything. I will see you at the wedding,".

"Sure. See you later," he says, we hug goodbye, and I watch him walking away towards the stairs before heading inside. I immediately bump into Ezra's chest that feels like a solid by the amount of muscle that's sealed in his body and my fingertips almost reach to his stomach and can almost see the outline of his abs through the white shirt. It's usual to see him in other colors besides black but I love it epically seeing his tattoos.

Rachel, focus.

I snap myself out of it, push him out of the way and go towards the bedroom without hesitation; I get to the bedroom, grab my dress from the back of the closet that I bought. I hear the bedroom open, and try to not pretend attention to him standing at the doorway while grabbing a box that holds my heels with straps on "So, this is how it's going be now? You are giving me the silent treatment?" he angrily says as coming closer to me I can feel his breath on my skin as placing my dress on the bed then go to the bathroom and pull out my curler, "Now you know it feels how the other shoe fits and you made this way so don't put the blame on me," I point my curler at him.

"What the hell do you mean I made this way?" Ezra shoots loudly I jump a little, "I didn't do anything. I mean yes Olivia was on my lap, but it didn't mean anything,".

Is he kidding?

I laugh as sarcasm, "You really mean it didn't mean anything. That's funny coming you because when it comes to you, everything doesn't mean to you," I put down my curler, and come out of the bathroom, "You never care when it comes to telling the truth,".

"Yes, I have lied to you too many to count but I'm truly sorry for those lies, I'm really am and if I can those lies back, I would do it in heart beat," he shrugs his shoulders down like a weight was taken off, then comes closer to me, and lifts up my chin, "But I would have never take back all of the times I said I love you because I love you Rachel and I never lied about my feeling about you," he confused in a single breath and signs heavily.

I walk behind him then looks at my dress to think about going to a wedding that's hearing about healing the broken that's once before while my heart is still broken, then look back at him, "I have some conditions, and you need to hear very clearly,".

Ezra immediately nods his head, "I will do anything. You name it," he tells me as trying to hold my hand but I back up that my back hits the bed, "We can't tell nobody about anything happened in the last twelve hours because I don't want to make Andrea's wedding about us when it's her special day, okay".

Ezra immediately nodshis okay as agreement.

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