Chapter 152

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As waiting for the wedding start, I look around to see people taking their seat, and there's probably around hundred people that were invited and I feel weird by only knowing some of them; yet still don't know where Ezra is, I'm just hoping something didn't go wrong to make fled away from Andrea's wedding because I know she was more than happy to see him hear celebrating her special day. I look around the area to see there's a bundle of different colors of pink and purple hydrangeas along the way of entrance aisle to the front. I was lucky to get a closer seat to the front so I can hear the vows. When my parents got married, they were only nineteen after knowing each other for a year and finding out they were expecting a baby. My father couldn't afford a ring so he wrapped paper clip to symbolize a ring around her finger as he would tell when I got caught looking through the photo album.

That was before everything was different; when Angela married my father, I was her maid of honor surrounded with a small party in the backyard as he was pretending that everything was perfect picture shiny, yet years later reality smacked me across the face and changed my perspective of what really should really looked like. I feel a hand on my shoulder, look over to see Lauren whose holding Leo's hand and sit down, "Hey Rach, did you space out?".

I nod as rubbing my eyes, carefully to get rid of the tiredness, "Yeah, I apologize. It's been a long twenty-four hours," I joke as Leo shaking her hand, "I think someone wants you," I point at him. She puts him up, "Yeah I was about to take him to little boys' room until I saw you sitting here by yourself, where's Ezra?". I look around then at my phone to see if he has responded either of my texts and not single text back, "I don't know. I hope he shows up."

"He will. Don't worry and sorry to go but I must leave,".

Moments later, music starts playing as everybody turn their heads to watch the groomsmen and braid maids walked down the aisle with the seven girls all hiding hydrangeas in their hands. I always love wondering what the braid maids' dresses are, to see what color and kind. I see that the choice of color is a light purple to match the flowers and the men are wearing a light grey tux. Andrea has good taste; it must take months and patience of time to do especially after the holidays. Then watching Jasper looking sharp walking down with all the confidence in the world because he's about to marry the woman who loves him. I watch him shaking hands to the officiant, and I smiles as the ring bearer and flower girl coming down. The little girl looks so cute tossing the flowers down as the boy start picking his nose like he doesn't care. I try to hold in my laugh.

"Everybody stand up," the officiant loudly says, and I swear immediately everybody's phones camera wiped out in a quick second to watch Andrea walking down the aisle looking like a beautiful bride then my heartbeat fastens and skips as seeing Ezra walking next to her, looking like a proud son walking his mother down. Of course, his tux is different than all the colors in the clothes, and it's completely black. I never knew about him helping his mother. He kisses her cheek then hand her to Jasper and takes the empty seat next to me.

I look at him for a moment before he catches me, "What?". I shrug my shoulders, then kiss his cheek and feel the faded stubble on his face, "Nothing. I love you". Ezra kisses me back, "I love you more."

After hour of dancing, I can barely feel my feet due to my stupid thought of thinking that these were the right shoes to wear at a wedding during the month of January. I take a seat at a random table, slide off my heels and I sign as relief I don't feel pressure against them. Ezra comes up to me, holding a plate filled with meats and cheese, and set them down, "I thought you would be hungry after all of the dancing you did," he jokes as shoving a piece of cheese into his mouth, and I kick his stomach with my feet and set them on his lap, "Shut up. You try dancing with heels. It's not easy," I tell him and lay my head back.

He laugh, "I don't dance so I wouldn't try," he jokes. I feel his hands grabbing onto my feet as his thumbs find a pressure point to my feet and start massaging them; I look back at him to find his hands are little higher than they were before, and still massaging. I swear this man has magic in his hands. I try to control myself as trying to relaxing then feel breathe on my neck, "Come with me."

I lift my head up to him hoovering over me, and holding out of his hand, "Why?".

"You said you want to dance with me, here's your one chance," he sweetly says with his cheeks looking flushed a little. I balance myself as putting back on my shoes because I feel like a shrimp next to him if I go barefoot, "I would love to dance with you." We go to the dance floor that's surrounded with another couples like Alex and his girlfriend, Maya. I wrap my hand around his neck as he wraps his hands around my waist the slowly, we started going side to side. I love this little moment to wish it can last forever but all I'm going to do is soak in; he looks at me with those greenish hazel eyes that look more greener than usual, "What's wrong?".

"Nothing. I just love you so much, Rachel. I'm sorry for being asshole to you the other day, you didn't deserve to be yelled at, I didn't mean to. You deserve better," he slowly whispers. I hate that he's feeling like this. I rub his head, "Ezra," I lift his head up, "It's okay. I mean it's not okay that you did that because I was partially to blame for the fight, so you didn't nothing wrong."

"You didn't anything wrong, you were drunk, and didn't have control over it. I should talk, I drink and break shit," he jokes, and I don't laugh because I don't like breaking things, "You need to learn self-control with it comes to drinking. I don't like it," I admitted. He's about to say something but drops it.


"Where are you leading to?" I ask Ezra as we are a random hallway that's has weird pattern wallpaper on the wall along the carpet, then he walks me into a bedroom; he flicks on the light open where my eyes immediately go to the king size bed, and my eyes go wide to see there's a mirror planted on the ceiling. I don't hear respond from Ezra as he goes to the bathroom, I peek a little and comes back with a chair and shoves his against the doorknob.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"We need to talk," he responds with his hands on his hips like meaning business, "I don't know what about" I sit on the bed, and he sits next to me.

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