Chapter 151

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As driving to the wedding, I'm glad that Rachel still agreed that she will go the wedding with me especially this time since all of the mistakes I have from last night; I clench my fist onto the wheel and it's stings a little from amount of pressure I punched the guy but then I look at Rachel whose completely silent since she got in the car and I don't blame. She's shining with all of beauty through the makeup to her dark purple dress that would easily kill me. If it wasn't for the circumstances right now and would pull over and fuck her until the car starts to shake.

"What?" she questions, as pulling out the invitation from her purse and smiles at the picture of Jasper and my mother smiling at each other and I keep looking at Rachel and it reminds that I love that smile but it slowly fades away when she stares at me; my heart aches for a moment for the only who took that smile away and the sparkle in the eyes that were filled with hope but now that hope doesn't appear and washed away with sadness an lost of hope for us, "I was going to say you look beautiful like you always".

"Thank you. You look handsome but I think green is my new favorite color on you," she commented, and not knowing I wore white because I remember her liking me in green since it matches my eyes, and I wore this during our first date and luckily, I had a jacket because I felt sweat stains getting worse at the time.

Moments later, we follow people walking inside and I can already feel my hands getting sweaty because I don't want to feel like a screw up and ruin this special day for my mother. She's been through hell and back and some of the hell, I put her through from working unpaid jobs to pay from my medical bills to picking fights; but now, she's much happier it seems to getting married to someone who loves her.

"Are you ready?" Rachel asks as looping her hand into my hand, and her hands fits perfectly to mine, it's almost the size of a little kid, "Yeah," I say in unconfidently way.

We walk around the building, everywhere you look, all you see is fancy flower, partially her favorite, pink daisies with her birthstone garnet. I know all of this must have cost a fortune but that probably doesn't matter to Jasper since he's a millionaire fucker who makes my mother happiest that I ever seen her in a really long time. I think the last time I seen her this happy when was Skylar was born. I sip on my champagne as hearing Rachel laughing from across the room and my skin burns that Henry is the one whose making her laugh and I make an attempt to not rip out his head before putting my drink a waiter's tray and walk towards them with my hands in my pockets, "Hey Ezra," Henry immediately greets me, and I nod then look at Rachel, "I'm going to find my mother. You stay here," I tell her, and plant a kiss on her cheek to basically tell him to go fuck himself.


I reach towards the upstairs where I swear this house gets only bigger by every time. I come here which I desperately hate with all my bones because I dreamed about having this kind of house when I was little instead of having the small house I had during my childhood; I walk around the hallway once hearing Shania Twain music and singing to all of the lyrics. I start laughing a little bit from remembering her music blasting through the kitchen.

"Hello?" I yell then start knocking on the door, the music stops, and I see my aunt Dina opening the door, "Hey sweetie. We thought you were Jasper,". She looks behind, I peek my head to see my mother standing on the bridal riser and I'm stunned of how beautiful she looks, "No, I just want alone time with the bride,".

"It's okay guys. You guys can leave, I will be done soon," she applies as taking two bridesmaids' hands as getting down on the riser and walk towards me. I watch the six braid maids walking out of the room then see my mother looking like a stunning bride on the cover of a bridal magazines that Rachel having laying around the apartment, and I can't wait for that day for us, "You look stunning," I twirl my finger and she spins a  little, too much almost she almost falls back, but I catch her, "Are you okay, mom?".

She immediately laughs, grabs onto my shoulder, "Yeah. I just can't wait to not this belly anymore, Leah thinks I'm a soccer ball and keeps kicking my stomach--- woah, like now," she presses her stomach with her hand and rubs it, "She kicks?" I say, unexpected. My mother glances at me with her brown eyes with tears coming, grabs my hand and puts it over hers, "This is your brother, Ezra. You would love him," she talks to the baby like she did with Skylar.

I laugh as remembering that I would be making funny sounds like Elmo sounds, and she would kick while being in her stomach; I bend down to her stomach, "Hi little one. I'm Ezra," I glare at my mother, "But you can call me Ezzie,".

"Ezzie? That was Skylar's nick—".

"I know," I laugh, "I thought I would just carry on the tradition; you know?" I question, then stand up. I don't know I said tradition like it's a holiday, but it makes sense to have both of my sisters to call me the same name, and only let them to call me by the name, "I also have this," I reach over to my back pocket, and hand her a rectangle box, "Happy wedding day."

My mother goes over to the teal couch with the ugliest pillows of a mustard color, and take a seat with my help, I forgot of how big a woman's stomach gets when she's in the middle of pregnancy; yet, it makes me more exciting to see Rachel this way, all happy and glowing like an angel she is. She opens it, and gasps, "It's so beautiful. Why a four-leaf clover?" she takes the necklace out. My hands suddenly feel sweaty, "Remember Skylar used to pick them out from your garden, give them to you and you always---"

"You will always have good luck if you keep the ones, you love close to your heart," she finishes what I was going to say as well realizing it's a locket and opens it and her eyes continue getting glassy looking as seeing this pictures are glued inside, "Ho—how did you find these?" she tears up, and fans herself to not cry and ruin her makeup.

"I took some photo albums with me when I was helping cleaning your apartment last year. I forgot about half of the pictures that were in there, so I printed copies of them and well... did tha—" I get interrupted by her arms wrapping around my neck. I smile at her smiling at the pictures I found, a baby picture of Skylar and I and picture of Jasper, then she points at the four clovers, "Why is that empty?".

I collect all of the sweat that's on my neck, I feel like a sweaty penguin in this; I place my hand on her stomach, "It's for her". I think her makeup needs to be reapplied due to amount of crying she's doing. Stupid pregnancy hormones. She doesn't respond and continues wiping my tears and makes sure her mascara is still on, "Thank you. I love it, and since you are here. I have a question,".

"I'm already wearing this penguin suit. I don't need a flower on it like I'm going to prom," I joke with here and she smacks my arm. We laugh, "Smartass. No, I was wondering if you would walk me down the aisle. I wouldn't anyone else to do," she tells me. I take her hand, and kiss them, "I would be honored,". I slowly start freaking out as hoping I don't fuck it by falling on my face while walking a pregnant woman down. I'm not only protecting one, but I'm also protecting two of my girls.


An hour later, as sitting on the uncomfortable chairs that were set out during the ceremony where you can break the chair of you move inch. I look around me and barely know half of the people here, this wedding is filled with half coworkers, and half decent family members I don't remember seeing. I barely know my father's side of the family besides knowing he has an older sister named Marnie who moved to Kansas like she's Dorothy from Wizard of Oz.

I look at Rachel who's wiping her tears as watching my mother and Jasper staring at each other's eyes and wishing all the pain and sorrows from the past were wished away. I never understand why people cry at wedding but as looking at Rachel and wanting the same for us. I want us to Andrea and Jasper, but we can't if she stays. I'm basically suffocating her by making her stay instead for the Colorado job that Eric offered her. I unexpectedly found the letter she hid from me in the back of the closet.

I lean over to Rachel's ear and inhale her vanilla perfume that she soaked her body through and God, I still love how she smells like a vanilla cupcake, "I want to have a private talk after this," I whisper in her ear, and she looks at me with worry cover in her hazel looking eyes and slowly nod then turn towards back them when hearing the vows. I understand about what they are talking about what to growing old together and loving each other even when the hard times comes, and the next move will be the hardest I do yet.

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