Chapter 146

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As we begin driving towards the one place I really don't want to be at and that starts with Franklin building, Ezra's old dorm room building that's filled toxic and horrible who play with people's feelings without a care in the world. I know because I was one of those people yet I'm still going to their party and getting this knotting pit in my stomach as hearing Ezra loudly singing Blue Christmas by Elvis. I carefully grab my phone out of my clutch purse then hit record. I feel like I'm watching the people from American Idol who can't sing but definitely keeping this video or keepsake and hide it from Ezra since he will murder me if he finds it.

A while later, we finally walk into the building where everywhere you look and turn, you see people smoking and drinking the cups from playing beer pong. I don't understand the point of beer pong because it's a stupid game where you drink disgusting choices of alcohol to puke and smell like it after that I want to throw up at the thought about it, "You want a drink?" he asks, and I nod yes. I'm going to need a drink or a couple to survive at this party.


After a few more drinks in my system, I'm starting to feel more looser and freer that it's like the liquor took over my body, so I slowly move my hips to the beat of the music. I look up through the whole crow that Ezra is sitting down across the room on the leather that look older than him; even though he's only a year older than me, he's a lot more experienced when it comes to certain subjects like hookups. I mean I don't even what to know how many girls in the building he has slept with.

I try my best to shut off my mind and annoy all of the thoughts about that and continue drinking and dance as much I can before I can't remember this night of having fun and making Ezra weak to his knees and I laugh a little at the thought as looking at him adjusting himself on the couch until I notice Olivia, the one person I hate in every bone in my body who makes fun of my age and she's making her to him. It's making my stomach turn or that's just the amount of liquor that's my stomach feel like that.

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