Chapter 140

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All I can think about since waking up is that Ezra hasn't acknowledged one of his mother's calls or texts for the past three days. I know he wants to talk to her every time he sees her name popped on his phone, but he annoys it and goes up to whatever he is doing especially writing in his notebook; sometimes I wanted to know what's inside there but the last time I seek a peek Ezra yelled at me loudly as he ever did. More random thoughts come across as smelling something burning and see the pancakes almost black. I quickly place them on plates along with sizzling maple bacon next to it.

Ezra is better chef than I am in the house, he makes it look so easy and all fancy like he's in his own cooking show on Food Network or he's being Mrs. Doubtfire making delicious food for the kids; all I do is burn the food, but I don't apply to burn baked goods. I want to make breakfast in bed, well maybe breakfast in the living instead of in bed because last time there was a big disaster with crumbs everywhere and cleaning strained strawberry jam on the comforter.

Sadly, it didn't come out, so I had to order a new one on Amazon. I grab the hot plates, walk towards the small table in the corner as there's hard footsteps walking down the hall. Ezra comes around the corner rubbing his face, looking at all sleepy eyes and my jaw almost drops. He's partially from only wearing his Tommy Hilfiger boxers, seeing his V-line making an appearance, "Good morning. It smells good," he says, goes to me and kiss my cheek.

"Thanks," I tell him, grab two forks and knives when trying to hide my rosy cheeks.


After breakfast and silent conversation with a few words between bites of pancakes and crispy bacon. There's been nothing mentioning what happened, even though I have been biting my tongue a few times when wanting to ask. I take a sip of my French vanilla coffee, and it's barely hot. Most likely it's lukewarm coffee by now so I go to the microwave and try to reheat it because Ezra drank the rest of the coffee, he drinks more coffee than I do; there's suddenly a small knock.

"Are you expecting anyone?" I ask Ezra when pressing the thirty second button on the machine, and he looks over his shoulder and nods no then goes back to his phone where he's scrolling through emails. A knock comes through again, I open the door and Andrea and Parker are waiting all suddenly with a strict look on each of their faces like their heads are ready to explode, "Your parents are here," I yell out without taking my eyes off of them.

"Bullshit," he shouts out.

"Yeah. It's bullshit to be rude to your parents, Ezra,". Andrea admits while walking in and slams her hand on the table and makes him spill his coffee.

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