Chapter 131

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As seeing my father in front of my eyes, all clean cut and shaved like he wasn't the bastard alcoholic father he was when I was young; I never forgot what he looks like, I'm the spinning image of him from a reflection if you look in a mirror. I hate that I look like him. This is the third time seeing him since watching him being pushed inside the back of a police car from a distance from the night of the fire. The feeling of anger and eagerness is the same feeling I have right now watching every move he's making as taking off his black beanie, "I come to see you," he applies and comes closer to us. My mother takes a step back, points outside where you can barely see anything, "What are you doing, Parker? I don't have money to give you and you are not supposed to be near us from 100ft,".

Parker laughs, "I promise I'm not here for money, Andi,". I clench my fist as I hear that pathetic nickname he used to call her all of the time, espically when pulling that bullshit line. He always needed money, he always blew up his paycheck from work. He probarly makes lots of cash when training people, yet I wasn't his son that day I trained with him.

I was a stranger. Like he is to me.

My mother rolls her eyes, and crosses her arms around each other, "Listen, I really don't care what you need or want. You need to leave," she yells out and pushes him away as heels

"I don't care what you need, Parker. You need to leave," she yells, and pushes him away from her as her heels are digging in the snow more as she continues stepping back towards me, and I laid my jacket on her cold shoulders, "Andi –" he come closer that I can see his breath against her and my adrenaline rushes fastest that I throw him into the snow. I repeatedly punch him left and right as flashbacks and images take over me. I don't hear my mother screaming her lungs out to tell me stop. I can't stop. I won't stop until he feels the pain I was in for months. I remember my mother crying for mercy for Skylar to come back but she never did.

I'm using all of the techniques that he taught me when he was teaching me how to box including his own punch called Captain Hook punch. I feel like I'm Peter Pan teaching Hook a lesson until the lesson is over with someone pulling me off of him. I look around to see my mother with bloodshot eyes and smeared makeup around her eyes and Rachel next to her looking at me like I'm some kind of monster; from the look of Parker with a black eye and blood all over, mine and his blood. Maybe I'm a monster.

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