Chapter 132

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When listening to Lauren talking about the Bahamas trip that she took a few weeks; she hasn't shut up about it for the last ten minutes. I want to leave this conservation in peace but I annoy it and drink my champagne that tastes like watered down Kool-aid for little kids but the adult version with liquor. I had better drinks with Ezra when picking his kind of beer he likes in the store better than this. I need to hide the fact that I want to roll my eyes to so much at this moment from how expensive this party is to how much Lauren isn't going to shut up but especially from the cost of this house, I must think Andrea is like the Kardashians meets Real Housewives working mothers between setting up for a wedding and preparing for a baby. I set my glass on a waiter's tray when there's a scream outside. I grab my coat, run into the cold weather where snow is blowing on my face and see from a distance, Ezra on top of someone and hear Andrea screaming at him to stop, "EZRA! GET OFF OF HIM!".

Andrea goes behind Ezra, tries to push him off of the person who's getting his suit soaked. I walk closer and gasp from assuming it's maybe his father but it's true. I mean I always thought he looked more like Andrea but he's the twin of his father, "What's going on?" I ask. I walk through the deep snow, my feet are freezing off by every move and almost losing a shoe. Andrea steps in the middle and pushes Ezra towards my way, I try to grab him but he lets go. He wipes his bloody nose into his white sleeve, "You son of a bitch,".

"I have the fucking right to be here. You are still my son," he smirks, pointing his thick finger at Ezra. He looks like he's ready to puke all over his father once hearing the 'son'. Ezra shakes his head, "I stopped being your 'son' " he runs his hands over his face, "You destroyed my family so cut the innocent act,". Parker looks like his breath has been shot from the words he said, "I'm not acting all innocent," he stretches his jaw to make it's not broken, "You got good at boxing since the last time,".

Andrea's emerald eyes go wider than a cartoon characters eye when being shocked as hearing that and don't look at either of them, "When did you see him?" she asks firmly.

"M-Mom I was going to tell you," Ezra's voice shakes but she raises her hand to stop him, "Look straight into my eyes and tell me the truth. Did you or did you not see your father?" she questions but she gets her answer already with no answer. Ezra doesn't look at her, only looks at his feet. Andrea disappointingly shakes her head, "Where? And When?".

"When I saw Rachel weeks ago. I went to a gym to blow off some steam and hired a trainer but I didn't know he was working there," he puts his hands up in defense and steps back like he's innocent but the innocent look doesn't change the fact that his lies are bigger than his lies. When you lie thousands of times, sometimes you get blinded by lies rather than truth. It's like drinking the poison of a drug. Andrea swallows, then looks at Parker, "You are not that innocent either Andi,".

"What is that supposed to mean?" She quickly turns to Parker, puts her hands on her hips. Her arms begin to shake from the cold chill blowing against her skin, "You know what I mean,". He said as directly to Ezra

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