Chapter 159

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As driving to the surprise I have for Rachel, I continue looking at her whose been singing to the radio on the country station that I immediately want to turn off because I rather stick pins into my ears then listen to that music. I almost listen o rock or nothing at all. I don't understand how can screaming rock when all you hear is the band screaming through your ears; my favorite type of music is hearing Rachel humming or even singing terribly through the songs.

I try to remember every detail of her to the shape of her lips that I love kissing to when her eyes turn to a light brown shade when the sun hits them right; especially when we played a snowball fight the other day and when I was making sure she was okay because I accidentally hit her too hard with a snowball, she kept laughing  as moving her hair out her face and the sun was beaming on her, "Where are we going to? Is this another cheesy surprise of yours?" she asks as turning the radio.

"You already asked that question five minutes ago? And I'm still telling you, my silly girl because this is your perfect day," I tell her, and rub her cheek to warmth the coldness in her skin.

"Oh my god, you are so annoying, but I guess I have to love you still especially you are giving me my perfect day," she jokes and cover her face with her hands then looks back to the window and I love all of her different sounds. I try to remember all of it like a repeat record before she leaves in a few weeks. I'm mentally counting down the days on a calendar when she does.

Moments later, we start driving towards the last place that Rachel would probably think about which is the cemetery because it's been a while since I have talked to Skylar; the last time I was over here was when during her ten-year anniversary and my father unexpectedly decided to come here. I thought that day along with losing her was going to be burned into my brain forever, but it slowly faded away to remove the pain and sealed it with the memory from meeting my angel, Rachel.

I look over at Rachel whose been sleeping for past hour, and I placed my jacket over her body while stopping at the gas station and get a couple of snacks like her favorite candy, watermelon sour patch kids and energy drinks. I probably drink them twice a week when it comes to working out. I slowly stop the car far away from the section that Skylar's tombstone, and see Rachel waking up, "Hi sunshine," I greet her as she rubs the sleep away from her eyes and smiles, "Hello," she greets back then looks around with a concerned look, "Why are we at the cemetery? I thought we were going sledding?" she wonders as slipping on her purple gloves.

"I want to show you something. Trust me," I tell her, and she immediately nods as getting out of the door and I follow her.


As walking around five rows of people's tombstones to see the names and quotes, I'm getting more emotional as we are getting closer to Skylar's stone. It's getting harder that realize that it's been a full and painful ten years, but I want her to meet my angel because even though Skylar is only eleven when she passed; I believe that she gifted me Rachel because if it wasn't for Rachel, I would have never gotten closer or find out the truth if it wasn't for her.

"We are here. Hi Sky." I greet my sister which it feels weird but like a comfort hug at the same time. I feel a slight squeeze on my hand, and I look at Rachel whose smiling at me, "Um Skylar," I try my best to get the right words out when holding back my tears, "This is my girlfriend Rachel".

Rachel wipes her tears away from her eyes, "Hi Skylar. It's nice to meet you, I heard so much about you," she says as taking the flowers I have for my sister which are her favorite flower, forget me not and pace them next to the new fresh ones that my mother placed the other day. I kissed her hands then her lips and continue telling Skylar bout her.

After watching my favorite girls in the world meeting each other which meant everything to me, I started crying as hearing Rachel talking to Skylar like its own sister. We walked to back towards the car and I can physically my heart doing jumping jacks as seeing Rachel being excited about going sledding; especially since this morning she told me that it would be her first time going sledding so I luckily I know a place with the highest mountain to go down the hill.

"Are you excited?" I ask.

"Excited? I'm so thrilled that I'm ready to jump out of the car and do a big happy dance," she laughs and happily clap her hands.

We finally get to the sledding place, and it's completely packed with a bunch of families with little kids having them holding anything that looks like a sled. There are small surfboards, inner tubes that you would see in a lake; we went to Walmart and grab three different boards and packed on the other side of the parking lot, so some asshole doesn't damage my car by accident.

"Let's get the boards and sled our hearts out," I tell her a cheesy joke as I normally do. Rachel immediately starts laugh and gets out of the car. I hand her one of the boards, and I try my best to not laugh when seeing that the board is taller than her. Rachel's eyes dart right at me without telling me to shut the fuck up; then we start following other people as going to the highest mountains where I can see Rachel's eyes go wider than I ever seen, "Oh my lord. That's um high." Her voice sounds a little shaky as she takes a big swallow, and I grab her hand, "I got you, Raya. I won't let you fall down."


Three hours later, when feeling like we are ready to drop dead on the cold snow that's up to our ankles. We are a few steps away from the car, and I look behind me to Rachel, dragging her sled behind her like it's a big weight. I stop for a moment and grab it from her because she looks too tire to do much, especially with the very rosy cheeks from the cold air. I love this look, so I pull out my phone from snowpants pocket, "Say cheese". I quickly snap a picture of her tired look, but she still smiles, "Very funny. Can we take pictures?" she sweetly asks, and I nod then pull her towards me.

"Smile," she says, and we both do as taking a plenty picture because pictures last longer than words do. You can remember the memories and who you shared. We take more pictures and fill both of our phones with them since we can remember today then start heading back to the car.

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