I'll Be Your Superman!

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I applied long, broad strokes to the canvas, concentrating hard on capturing every detail in the painting without getting distracted by the sight of Louis in his swimming trunks. He'd been in his present pose for the last couple of hours; holding onto a surfboard, his hair flicked expertly to one side, a cheeky little smile on his face. Every so often, he'd make me laugh with one of his little remarks.

"Shall I rub baby oil all over my body? That's what we have to do when we have a beach photo-shoot."

I looked out from behind my easel. "Um...ok, that might be a bit too much for the ladies on my College assessment panel to handle."

As I added a soft pink glow to his perfectly chiselled cheek bones, I felt a little tingle down my spine and I fought to retain my composure. My mind started to drift back to yesterday, to Louis rescuing me and us floating together in the waves, holding onto him tightly. I thought about all the new feelings that had suddenly surfaced and I felt a rush of adrenaline. I'd come so close to kissing him. I wondered how he would have responded if I'd have actually kissed him.

"Bethy Boo?"

I poked my head out again and grinned. "Yes Louis?"

"My arm is going a bit numb. I think it might drop off any second now."

"Oh Gosh! Sorry!" I put down my brush and palette and rushed towards him, taking the surfboard out from under his arm and giggling as he made a big show of dancing around clutching his arm and circling it around to try and get the blood flowing back into it. "Take a break. We'll do a bit more after lunch."

I went back into the house and got changed into some shorts and a top, deciding to go for a run to clear my head.

I put my headphones on and set off at a good pace, the warm sun and a gentle breeze on my face. I ran close to the edge of the shore, the water cooling my feet as the waves rolled over them. I smiled to myself as the irony hit me that I was listening to the boys singing in my ear. 'Little Things' came on and as Louis' verse started, I pictured him standing in front of me with his surfboard. He had made this holiday so special for me and I realised how happy I felt when I was around him. My mind drifted back again to yesterday when we were in the sea with the dolphins. Was something happening between us? Something more than friendship? I fought to keep the picture of him in my mind but as much as I tried, Harry kept creeping back in and my thoughts turned for the millionth time to New York, the kiss replaying in my head, making me feel that familiar, overwhelming rush of emotion again. I was so confused. Why was I still feeling this way about Harry when it was clear that nothing was ever going to happen between us? Why did I still think about him all the time when he'd clearly chosen someone else? Was it because I couldn't have him?

I'd been running for about half an hour, lost in my own world when I saw a figure walking out onto the beach up ahead of me. As I got closer, the hairs on the back of my neck suddenly stood up as I realised it was one of the drunk boys we'd seen on our walk yesterday. I been so consumed with my thoughts, I hadn't realised how far I had gone. I glanced to my right and saw the run down beach hut. I felt a surge of fear as I recalled Zayn and Louis' warning. I shouldn't be here!

Not wanting him to think I was scared by turning back, I decided to keep as cool as I could and continue running. As I did, he began walking towards the water until he was standing directly in my path. I put my head down and made to swerve around him but he put his foot out suddenly, catching my leg and sending me sprawling onto the sand. My headphones flew off and I felt a sharp pain as I landed heavily on my ankle. I lay there winded for a few seconds, panic spreading through every inch of my body as I struggled to get my breath back and pull myself up off the ground.

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