Messy Buns And Onesies

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The boys had given us Zayn and Niall's bedroom as it had a massive mirror stretching practically the whole length of one wall. There were two enormous king sized beds for the four of us girls to sleep in and a big en suite bathroom. We had each taken a section of the mirror and had laid our make up and stuff out on the floor in front of it.

I'd changed into my navy blue 'One Piece' onesie with white snowflakes on the front. My hair was up in a loose bun and I was sitting cross legged on the floor, taking my make up off with a baby wipe.

Half way through wiping my cheek, I stopped still and stared at my refection in the mirror in a daze, trying to take in what had just happened to me. My legs were still trembling and the weirdest feelings I had ever experienced were running through my entire body. My stomach was flipping over and my heart was racing like I'd just finished running a marathon. There was just one thought running through my mind. I just kissed Harry Styles... Oh my God I just kissed Harry Styles!

I sat there replaying the whole thing in my head over and over again, his hand reaching out for mine, his lips touching mine in the dark, neither of us saying a word. Each time I thought of it, it sent a strange shiver down my spine. I'd waited my whole life to kiss someone and now it had finally happened, it was the most perfect first kiss I could ever have imagined.

"BETH!" I jumped out of my skin as I was suddenly pulled back into the room by Tilde.

"Sorry, I was miles away."

"THIS ONE IS NIALLER'S BED!" She yelled as she launched herself spread eagle onto it, making it creak loudly. "AND THIS IS THE SIDE HE SLEEPS ON!" She buried her face in his pillow and took a massive deep breath in. Then she tucked a little teddy bear under the covers on Niall's side of the bed. "This is my spot, Wilberforce is guarding it and if anyone attempts to sleep here, I'll kill them with my bare hands."

I laughed. "Ok, thanks, I think you've made that clear." She was so funny. The rest of us were clearly conscious of trying not to seem like we were fangirling in the boys presence but Tilly was just such a free spirit that she didn't care, she just said what she was thinking and I loved her for it already.

I watched as she put her nose into Niall's pillow again, rolled around in his sheets a bit more, doing a funny star fish movement, and then climbed off the bed and came over to me.

"Aw, Beth, you look cute as a button in your onesie! Isn't this the most amazing night ever?"

I nodded, still a bit dazed and she frowned. "Are you ok? You've gone very quiet."

"Well..." I thought for a second about telling her and Anna about what had happened with Harry in the closet but I couldn't. I hadn't even processed it in my own head yet. "I'm fine...this is all just a bit... crazy."

"Isn't it? I still can't believe it's happening! They're so much more gorgeous in the flesh aren't they?"

I smiled to myself. "Aren't they?"

"I know I only have eyes for one boy on this planet and that's my little Nialler chops but holy bat frogs! Zayn's body! And Liam is adorable and Oh my days! Louis is just hilarious and gorgeous and seriously how cute are Harry's dimples up close?"

The kiss replayed in my head again and I felt goosebumps rise on my arms. "Very. They're very cute"

The en suite bathroom door swung open and Mackenzie stepped out looking amazing in her 'stars and stripes' onesie which was hugging her tall, slim figure perfectly. Her blonde hair was in two neat pigtails.

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