Facing Demons

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 I slipped away down the corridor and opened the the door to the gym, closing it quietly behind me, turning off the lights and slipping down behind one of the step machines until I was hidden from view.

Crouching on the cold, tiled floor, I tried desperately to control my panic attack and get my head together. I needed to think straight. Any minute now, Zayn, Liam and Tilde would be coming back. They would have found Anna and she will have told them everything, then everyone will know that I lied about being pregnant, everyone will hate me and Harry will probably throw me out on the street. Oh my God! I couldn't let that happen. I couldn't let her ruin everything. I'd come so far. My life with Harry was all mapped out now and there was no way I was going to let it all fall apart. There was no way I was going to go back to a life of hell with my step Mom and Daniel, not now I was so close to escaping it. I had to think of something quick.

My palms were sweaty, my breathing was coming in short bursts. I tried to calm myself down, taking long, deep breaths. Maybe Anna hadn't told them yet. If I could just get her alone again without anyone seeing, I could think of something that would really scare her so she wouldn't talk. As I sat there in the dark, I prayed she hadn't already told them. I prayed she wasn't telling them right now.

Suddenly, the door to the gym flew open and my heart started pounding fast. Everything went silent for a few seconds, then I heard a click as the door closed again and another as the lock was turned. I could feel another presence in the room, someone breathing deep and heavy. I turned my head slightly, trying to look around the step machine but I couldn't see anything in the dim light. My heart was thumping madly in my chest.

"Mackenzie?" I froze as Zayn's voice echoed around the empty space. "Get out here now before I drag you out."

My hands started to shake. I gulped down a breath and stayed as quiet as I could, hoping he would go away.

"I know you're in here, I can smell your perfume. Get out here now or I swear I will come over and pull you out with my bare hands." The tone of his voice scared me so much that I found myself slowly raising myself up to a standing position until I could just make out his outline in the dim light.

As soon as he saw me, he came towards me and I fought to stop my legs from shaking, trying desperately to regain my composure. Taking a deep breath, I smiled and tilted my head casually to one side. "Hey. How's Anna? Did you find her Ok? Where was she...?" In an instant, I felt every last bit of air leave my body as I was thrust hard up against the gym wall by Zayn's muscular arms. He had me pinned by my shoulders, his dark eyes boring a hole right through me. He leaned in, his voice low and controlled.

"What do you care?"

"W..what do you mean?"

"I said, what do you care? What do you care if we found her or not?" I could feel his breath hot against my cheek. "You don't care Mackenzie and I'll tell you why. Because you only care about one person on this entire planet and that's YOURSELF!" He thrust his finger up to my face and I flinched.

I was shaking so much, I struggled to get my words out. "Why...why are you saying this? Of...Of course I care whether she's.."

"Do you? Do you really? Ok, that's great, well you'll be happy to know that we found her and that she's alive." I opened my mouth to speak but he pressed his finger firmly over my lips and moved his face in until it was inches from mine. The hairs stood up on my arms. "She's alive..." he paused for a second. "Because we managed to resuscitate her, ten minutes of pumping air back into her body after we'd dragged her out of the sea, where she'd gone to try and kill herself because YOU made her feel like her life wasn't worth living."

The blood drained from my face as I took in what he was saying. When I eventually spoke, my voice was trembling. "Y...you're lying."

"NO. YOU'RE THE LIAR!" he punched the wall beside me, so hard and so close to my face that I let out a shrill cry, instinctively covering my face with my hands. My lower lip started to tremble as the enormity of what I'd done suddenly engulfed me. I sank to my knees, tears welling up in my eyes.

"Oh my God... I never meant for that...I never meant..." I looked up at him in despair. "What have I done?' His eyes were cold as he grabbed me by the arm and hauled me roughly back up to my feet. My knees had gone to jelly and I struggled to stand.

As he came towards me again, I backed up against the wall. His eyes flashed with anger. He grabbed my wrists in his hands, pinning them over my head, against the wall, his face up close to mine. "You don't care," he spat. "This has all been a game to you. I've been onto you from the start. You wanted someone famous. You don't give a toss about Harry, do you? DO YOU?" I turned my face away from his, unable to look him in the eye but the second I did, he grabbed my chin and pulled it roughly back, forcing me to look at him again. "Come on Mackenzie, let's get it all out in the open. Be honest for once in your sorry little life. You don't care about Harry, you just wanted to seduce him didn't you? You set out to trap him from the start. You wanted the fame and everything that went with it didn't you? You and Harry? A nice little celebrity couple. That was your plan wasn't it? It wasn't about Harry at all was it? It could have been any one of us... Louis...Liam...Niall...Me." He leant in closer and his voice deepened. "Come on then? How about me? I'm famous. You want a piece of me too?"

For a moment, our eyes locked and it felt like time was standing still. His eyes glinted in the dark and I felt a massive jolt of electricity flood through my entire body. Suddenly, his lips were pressing hard on mine. My heart was beating so fast, it felt like it was about to burst. Another enormous surge went through me as my lips responded to his with an urgency and passion I'd never felt in my life. It was like the spark that had been ignited the first time I set eyes on him in the hotel room in New York, had suddenly exploded. I struggled for breath as his rough kisses came hard and fast on my mouth.

He let go of my arms but as I went to rub them from where he'd been gripping them so hard, he pushed me back up against the wall, forcing the breath out of my body. He pressed against me with his whole weight and I was trapped under him, his kisses becoming more and more intense, his hands pulling my top down roughly as he breathed heavily into my neck.

I started to feel panic rising and tried to free my arm which was trapped. "Zayn..." I was breathing heavily, a familiar feeling of suffocation coming over me and a sickness growing in the pit of my stomach. "Zayn....I need to...." His tongue was in my mouth, he was relentless. I turned my head to one side, gasping for air. "Zayn, please,...I can't..."

Everything became blurred and went into slow motion. I pulled my face away and when I looked into his eyes, suddenly, all I could see was....Daniel! The shock made me scream out and I put my hands over my face to protect myself. I felt him let go of me and as he did, I crumpled to the floor. I could hear my voice, over and over, between heavy sobs but it sounded like it was coming from somewhere in the distance. "Please...don't do this...it's like Daniel...it's like Daniel...please don't hurt me like Daniel..please..."

My sobs rang out loudly and I buried my head in my knees. I felt Zayn crouch down in front of me and put his arms around me, his voice low and calm. "Shhh...shhh...it's ok... you're safe...ok? It's ok." The softness of his voice made me break down even more. Images of Daniel came flooding into my mind, then images of Anna, drowning in the sea and I screamed out again, unable to handle the thought of what I'd driven her to. Zayn pulled me closer and held me, gently stroking my hair until my sobs began to subside and I was lying in his arms, totally drained.

He lifted up my chin and looked into my eyes. I knew how scared and desperate I looked and I turned away.

"Mackenzie. Who's Daniel?"

I bit my lip hard, unable to talk. "Mackenzie, what's going on? Who's Daniel? What did he do to you?" Fear flashed in my eyes and I felt myself begin to shake uncontrollably.

I opened my mouth to speak but no words came out, my lip trembled and I shook my head violently. "I can't..."

"Ssshhh...It's ok...it's ok." He wrapped his arms around me and for the first time in such a long time, I felt safe. "Everything's going to be ok." His mouth was close to my ear as he whispered gently. "We're going to sort this out."



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