24. Who Is She?

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(Tommy's pov)

I really could not believe who I was seeing, who was standing right in front of me. A familiar strange-looking man with his pointy ears, sharp lower canines, long pink hair, and red eyes that peered through a hoglin skull mask. I was about his height. He's wearing a gold crown, a white dress shirt, a red royal gown, grey slacks, and black boots. I thought maybe Wilbur kicked me too hard and that maybe it's the cause of me to hallucinate my brother- who I haven't seen in over a year- standing right here, in this room. Wilbur's wide-eyed expression proved me otherwise. He's really here!

"Technoblade?" I double checked, still appearing taken aback.

"Yeah?" Techno asked now looking conflicted himself.
"What? Why are you two looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?" He slipped off his mask and started patting around his face.

"You're actually here?!" I started smiling.

"Well, yeah. I heard my brothers needed some assistance?" He smirked. The mention of 'brothers' got me smiling harder.

"Hell yeah we do!" I say, feeling fired up. I looked up at Wil,
"I told you he'd show up, he is our brother after all." I whispered to Wilbur, elbowing his arm rather harsh as punishment for kicking me.

"So... what's the situation?" Techno cut in. I glanced at Wilbur think maybe he would be ready to speak... I guess he's still a bit sensitive.

"We created a nation because we weren't given the simple freedom we asked for from Americans but it started going downhill from then on. We held an election and we lost and power was given into the wrong hands, President J. Schlatt. We were cast out of our own nation and now... we want our nation- our home back but we need more supplies and more training." I explained to Techno.
"Right now Wil and I's only supporters are my best friend Tubbo, Nikki, and Y/n." I thought maybe I was seeing things when I saw Techo flinch slightly but I ignored it when he cleared his throat.

"Ok...and what are their roles?" Techno asked.

"Since we don't really have much luck here, Nikki has been suppling us with food through Y/n these past couple of days. Tubbo is our inside man but to stay low, he's only allowed to be here every so often especially because he's acting as Schlatt's secretary and he was ordered to be our bounty hunter. Y/n on the other hand, she has been doing anything and everything to help us but she said it's kind of a challenge looking for materials nearby so she either only helps us with training or she's out sneaking in Manberg for trades of food and information." I know what I explained is a lot to take in yet Techno seemed to take it in just fine seeing how was already analyzing for solutions.

"So, are you suggesting rebellion?" Technoblade chuckled slowly.
"Oh man, I'm up that!" I couldn't help but crack up a bit at Techno's words.

"It's good to see you again, Blade!" I commented.

"Hold on one moment." Wilbur finally spoke.
"Techoblade? If I were to let you on my side, would you train us?" Wil ask seriously.

"Yes." Technoblade relied firmly.

"To fight back?" Wil added.

"I would do that." Techo assured.

"And how would I know that you aren't like other Americans?" Wilbur suspected.

Not this again...

"If I'm being honest, this all feels like a setup. How can I know for sure that it's not in your basis that you'd betray us? Or that you had already, with Schlatt? -Is it not in your will that you like winning?" Wilbur kept accusing.

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