18. Déjà Vu

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"Oh. My. God." Was all I could say. What am I wearing?! It's so... pink! And am I really wearing a skirt?
"Niki this is completely the opposite of what I was wearing earlier! This is horrible!" I pointed out, my face was hot from embarrassment and my stance was awkward too. Niki however was having a hard time speaking because she couldn't stop laughing so hard.

"No no, don't say that Y/n I think you look adorable, pfft!" Niki bursts out laughing again while I felt my face getting more flushed than before.

"That's kind of the point?! But I look like a maid! A Maid, Niki!" I complained. The outfit was really like a maid outfit...maybe it is? It's been almost a whole year since I've last seen one. Niki finally composed herself.

"I mean it kind of is..?" Niki confirmed.

"Kind of?" I repeated.

"Just think of it as a costume not an actual uniform! It's just for the advertisement of our bakery!" Niki explained, although it did not help with the fact that I'M suppose to be wearing it.

"Do I really have to wear it?" I complained, I really did not want to wear it.

"Yes! Please Y/n? I will only be until the end of next week and before the the election!" Niki pleaded and pleaded until I finally gave in.

"Fine! But under one condition!" I say.

"Yes! What is it?" She asked

"I get to hide all of my face and get a wig— I don't want everyone to know it's me wearing this! I mean, I think this outfit is cute and all but it's really NOT my style!" I explain getting a little flustered again.

"Oh! You don't have to worry about that, I was already going to do that anyway, I wouldn't do something that harsh!" Niki says, I gave her a knowing look.
"You will wear everything starting tomorrow and you don't even have to interact with anyone, you'll just hold onto a sign that says to vote for me and Fundy's campaign." She continued.

"Alright... can I take this off now?" I huffed, Niki giggled and agreed. She helped me a little, loosen some strings to take it off but I mostly did everything.

(Time skip)

It was now the next day and like Niki promised, I wore a different mask, one that covered my entire face except one eye as the other was covered by the wig and speaking of the wig, well, it's also... pink. How ironic. I was thinking that maybe I could start wearing a wig so I don't have to dye my hair as much but then I though it would be such a pain in the ass to do all the time.

Huff, I hate the transformation processes when taking off and putting on my necklace, it's painful sometimes... but at this point I guess I kind of grown used to it.

I shrugged off my thoughts, staying still as I was before, holding the "Vote for COCONUT 2020" sign up. A few minutes after, I let Niki know I was taking a small break to drink some water and have some snacks she made for me. I sat down resting one arm on the table behind me and crossed one leg on top of the other staying like that for a bit. 

I slid my mask up just enough to enjoy the cookies and like that I stayed relaxed, eating some cookies and paying no mind at the crowd, over all the chattering that was happening at the stand outside the bakery, I didn't hear someone approaching me.

"Hey there pretty little thing~" some rando said. I almost choked on my cookie when I heard that.


I slid my mask back down before I turned around and I saw a bearded man wearing a black business suit, a red tie and on his head he had... ram horns?

Why do I feel like I've seen him before?

Despite that uncomfortable comment, I calmly nodded, acknowledging his presence.

"Come on! Are you not gonna say something?" He asked. I didn't want to give away who I was to anyone, even if we're strangers, I signaled towards my neck, shaking my head from side to side, expressing that I am unable to speak.
"What, you can't speak or are you deciding not to talk to me?" He asked, I repeated my actions again.
"Can't speak huh?" He asks again and I shook my head 'no'.
"Well that's unfortunate, for someone so beautiful, you can't even speak. I'm it would've sounded as lovely as you look. Anyway allow me to introduce my self, my name is JSchlatt, although I'd prefer just Schlatt." He introduced in a slightly suspicious tone. The moment he spoke of his name, I froze.

JSchlatt? As in James Schlatt? But he looks exactly how I remember when I was a kid. No, wait, that's impossible, surely he must of aged! Or maybe is this perhaps his only son fully grown? He looks just like his father!

"And your name is?" Schlatt spoke, I focused back to reality again and pointed towards my neck once more.

"Right. I bet it's rather a tough challenge to live with." Schlatt noted. I turned away in hopes that Niki was able to see what was going on in my direction but unfortunately for me everyone including her, were to busy to even pay a little attention to my situation.
"So why is someone as beautiful as you sitting here away from the crowd?" Schlatt commented, turning my attention back to him. I cringed behind the mask. I held up the sign and he understood immediately.
"Oh! You're working for them?" He looked disappointed and appeared 'worried' for me but he then thought of something,
"Well, instead of them, how 'bout you join me since I am also going to be running a campaign of my own here too?" He said with a big smile.

What? He's running for president too? No! No no no! He can't! I bet he's still just as bad of a person like his father! There's no way!

I played it cool and titled my head, suggesting he'd tell me more.

"I named mine to be "SCHLATT 2020!" He stated,
"Pretty neat huh?"

Oh yeah— of course that is SUCH a UNIQUE name.

I gave him a thumbs up.

"My campaign will be so much better than this! I can guarantee that your life will change as soon as I win! Of course you'd already be getting a taste of that benefit if you work for me. So what do you say?" He offered me his hand for me to shake. I started to wave my hands at him to show that I wasn't interested in his offer but his hand then pulled mine and then there was something else too, it was slightly heavy. I look down at my hand and saw he gave me a bar of gold. I look back up at him.

"There is more where that came from, I suggest you chose me because with these other campaigns, it will surely go wrong for you." When those words escaped from his mouth I got a huge sense of déjà vu and it was not a nice feeling. I couldn't move, I felt like I was frozen in place, it felt as if my nightmares had come to find me after all. What should I do? What can I do?

"Get away from her!" Shouted a feminine voice.



1268 words!

Hey clovers!

Jeez I almost forgot to upload today 😅

I was going to a lot earlier trust me but in the middle of writing, I was pulled aside by my mom to "help" her bake.

I literally did all the work, she only dusted flour on the table and then she ditched!

I ended up burning the bread a little 💀

She ain't getting any of it! /j

Alright enough about my rambling!

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, see you Sunday hopefully! Probably late at night again cuz idk how I'm going to write this next one! 😃

Ok byebye!

This chapter is not well edited so if you see anything— no you didn't 💀

- lillu🍀

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