15. I Trust You

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I hear the soft sound of a bell ringing as I open the door to Niki's bakery and as soon as the door was open I was hit with such a delightful smell of pastries, its delicious scent pervades all over the room, so much so that I almost couldn't get enough of it. I notice Niki didn't come to the front counter, I assumed she didn't hear the bell so I walked closer towards the kitchen, I was about to call out to her but I was startled by a loud bang of several pans falling to the ground and Niki's scream. I pushed the door open immediately.

"NIKI WHAT'S GOING ON PLEASE TELL ME YOU'RE OKAY!" I blabber almost spouting gibberish at how fast I said that.

I find that she is on the floor with cake pans surrounding her. I ran to her aid.

"Ouch..." Niki groans at the pain, rubbing her ankle.

"Can you stand up?" I ask softly, I help her stand but she hisses, I notice she only puts pressure on one foot. I conjure a health potion from my inventory and hand it to her. She takes it thankfully.

"What in the world happened?" I ask.

"Oh I just got a little clumsy is all!" She assures. "So how was training with Dream?" She asks.

"Oh you're going to want to hear this but let me help you get this cleaned up first!"


"Pfft—" Niki lets herself burst out laughing she couldn't believe what she heard, currently we've been casually conversing with each other for a while, eating a slice of cake along with it, "No way, did that actually happen?" She asks,

"Yeah he even curled up into a ball and I thought I knocked him out cold or something so I checked but he surprised me." I say.

"How so?" She comments curiously.

"Well— he got a good hit on my cheek..." She gasps, "Yeah, it got a little bloody but that's not what surprised entirely, what surprised me even more is that he even hit my mask off my face."

"Oh no..!" She worries, "But you're ok right? He didn't see your face did he?"

"Yeah I'm completely fine, I healed myself while I was with Tommy and Tubbo a little while ago and no, he didn't see my face luckily but he was quite close to doing so." She then had a look of relief but I took notice of her hands starting to fidget, it was obvious to me what she wanted to ask me. I smiled at how considerate she was, keeping her thoughts to herself.

I can trust you right? 

"Do you know any famous people?" I ask, breaking the silence, Niki seemed confused at unexpected question so I elaborated, "You know as in maybe notoriously or just in general?"

"Um not that I know of..." She pauses for a moment, thinking, "Oh, I have heard about the new king and queen in the Golden Kingdom!" She says.

My hand clenched at the familiar name.

Hah... it's been a while since I heard of that hell of a place. I wonder if Luis ever said anything..?

"Wow, the Golden Kingdom, I haven't heard news about that place since the mourning for Calypso, so, who's the new queen?" I play off with a smile.

"I believe she is now Queen Rory..?" She recalls.

Although Niki couldn't see the entirety of the unbelievable face I was making, I was shocked to say the least that it was most unexpected answer to hear— it almost made me laugh.

Out of all people really? Lady Rory was selected to be the next queen? Hah! I guess she went for the next best thing. Her taste in men are so absurd! I wonder if she seduced the new king, I really would not be surprised if she did!

"Just a moment ago you mentioned a name, Calypso? It sounds vaguely familiar..." Niki thinks for a moment while I sit in a stiff position.

Can I really trust you, Niki?

"Calypso was actually a very famous person in the Golden Kingdom, he was famous for his looks and notoriously for the most "sinful actions", killing innocent families who were caught in the war left and right without mercy." I finally answer and with a serious tone.

"So that's where I heard the name...but, isn't the killing innocent families just a rumor?" She asks. I was surprised,

"You don't believe these rumors are true?" I say confused.

"Well no one really proved it to be true so I can't say I believe it entirely"

"Why would you say that?" Niki hesitates to answer.

"Well before I came to L'manberg, there were a lot of false rumors spread about me. I was called out for having a different body than other women..." I knew then what Niki was trying to say, I felt sorry for her. I held her hand in mine and assured her she didn't have to tell me all the details.

Maybe I can trust her...

"Thank you for telling me this and I'm sorry for what happened to you, it must have been so hard to deal with." I then sat beside her and we embraced each other in a comforting hug. "And you're right those rumors aren't true at all."

"What?" She asks at a loss for words.

"I noticed you wanted to ask about my mask." I stifled a laugh seeing her slightly embarrassed face.

"Was I that obvious?"

"Can you keep a secret?" Niki pauses at my question then nods.

"Of course." I was a little nervous to tell the truth so I took a deep breath before speaking,

"Like I said those rumors are not true..." I held a hand to mask and slipped it off as I said, "I never once killed a single parent nor child during the war." I finish.

Niki stared for what seemed like forever, eyes wide and her lips parted. I had a feeling she has seen my face before. Maybe she recognized me.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have taken it off—" I say trying to put my mask back on but she stopped me.

"No, it's ok, really! It was just so unexpected I couldn't utter a word, but you're beautiful Y/n!" Niki complements before smirking and saying, "No wonder you were the talk of the entire nation, you're as handsome as they've said." She complements again emphasizing the word 'handsome'. I roll my eyes cracking a smile for remembering that news about me.

"It seems like you finally remember a lot of things you read about me." I smirk back. Niki giggles,

"And don't worry, your secret is safe with me. I trust you to keep what I've shared as well!" Says Niki

"Of course, and I trust you too!" I say

We both start feeling comfortable once again, talking to one another about anything and everything. That was until there was an aggressive slam at the entrance door of Niki's bakery. I immediately slapped my mask back on before I was seen any more than just my back.

"LADIES!" Said a loud yet nervous Wilbur. "What do you think about POG?"


1206 words~

Yoooo! A FACE REVEAL????
It seems like we have an ally! 👀👀

Also i guess i did end up having to name the Kingdom where Y/n once worked at as Calypso, I never thought I'd give it a name or mention old names but, here we are 🤓

Anyways— I already got an idea of whet to write next can you take a guess?
I'll let you guys figure it out me mwahaha🗿

Buh bye! <3


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