23. Technoblade

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(Tommy's pov)

"Tommy we are not writing to Technoblade." Wilbur said coldly.

"What— why not?!" I complained.

"I can't trust another American, Tommy!"

"He's our brother!" I retaliated.

"He's an American!" Wil repeated

"So is our mum!" I bit back.

"Can you stop bringing up all of our family?" Wilbur seemed irritated but I kept going.

"I didn't even get to mention Dad yet—" I said jokingly.

"Tommy—" Wilbur me a glare.

"Okay okay but can you at least give me some other reason as to why you aren't willing give into my idea?" This time Wilbur gave me the silent treatment, focusing his attention somewhere else besides me.
"Oh come on Wil! I know we literally lost everyone but we can rebuild our nation with the people we know we can trust, you know this more than I do!"

"Even if you write to Techo, what are the chances that he receives it and actually helps us?" Wilbur stressed.

"He will help us because he's our brother—"

"Our adopted brother, Tommy!" Wilbur kept trying.

"So what if he's adopted? We're not even biological brothers ourselves but that didn't stop either of us calling each other bros!"

"You don't get it Tommy."

"Then help me understand damn it!" I entreated, I was tired of Wilbur trying to impede the truth from me.

"Because we're practically strangers for crying out loud!" Wilbur shouted. That only infuriated me more.

"Fucking hell, you could have at least come up with something better rather than that shit of an excuse!" I scowled.

"Well you can believe me or not, I don't care, I can't blame you for not having any memory of Techo's brotherly act because you were barely turned a year old when Phil brought him in and told him to play nice with us." I stayed quiet this time. I really didn't want to believe what Wilbur revealed. I wanted to believe with my heart but with all that's happened, my mind wants to believe otherwise.

Was it really all an act? No. That's not possible. It know it was real— it felt real and it still is real! Wilbur is only just as stressed as I am. He's just not thinking right. Yeah! That's all! I just need to calm him down and destress our situation a bit! Now's not the time.

"Not to mention the fact that we haven't seen him at all for more than a year when he decided to leave unexpectedly to— God knows where— without a word! Actually,  only Phil would know but he wouldn't tell me anything." Wil explained.

"That's true but what if he's finally returned home? If not then Dad can just find Techno and relay our call for help. Just think about it Wil, if Technoblade receives our message, he'll surely come and help us!" I thought for a second.
"We'll have not one— but two strong allies!" I exclaimed.
"Technoblade and Y/n can help us with training and prepare for an inevitable battle we both know is coming!"

"Alright! Fine! Write a message to him! But if he does come, you'll do the talking because I refuse to open up anyone else at the moment." As soon as Wilbur finally agreed, I was quick to search for some ink, some paper, and a feather.

A few minutes later, now that I sat on my bed with a blank piece of paper in hand, I don't know why I hesitated to write the first words. I guess Wilbur's claim about Techo's 'act' kept repeating in my head. I took a deep breath and held onto hope. I lifted the ink filled feather and started scratching away.

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