5. Stay

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For the past 5 minutes I felt eyes on us, especially me, I figure that they must be well trained if these two aren't aware that we are being watched.

"Hey, woman. What's up with the mask?" Tommy asks, snapping me out thought.

"To conceal my face." I replied bluntly.

"Are you ugly or something?" I chuckle at his question.

"Quite the opposite actually."

"How come you're hiding you face then?" Tubbo jumps in.

"To hide." I say again, this kind of put me in a gloomy mood but I didn't show it. I was to on guard about the guys behind us.

"Hide from what? You're not a bad guy, are you?" Tubbo asks, he looked kind of nervous at that thought.

"That's an interesting thought but no. If I was I would be heartless and wouldn't have saved you." I state.

"How do we know you're not lying and you're not doing this on Dream's order?" Tommy interrogates.

"Tommy!" Tubbo elbows Tommy

"OW! What?!"

"Good question Kid but listen..." I turn to Tubbo, "Tubbo you mentioned you guys stole back Tommy's discs right?" Tubbo nods. "And Tommy are these discs greatly important to you?"

"Yes..? What are you getting at?" Tommy asked suspicious of me. I take out two discs from under my armor.

"HOW DID YOU—?!" Tommy checks his belt.

"HOW DID YOU DO THAT?" Tubbo finished for him.

"I thought you guys would be suspicious of me seeing as you guys were sitting stiffly but I don't blame you, if I were you I'd also be suspicious if a person were to act all innocent and sure I stole your discs just a moment ago, but, if I were on Dream's side, I wouldn't have showed you I had you discs on me." They were both incredibly shocked, I handed Tommy his discs back. I didn't feel eyes on us anymore. But felt I needed to keep my guard up.

I guess they had other things to do...

"Well I still don't trust you!" Tommy says and I sigh.

"Well, once I'm out of your hair, after this you'll realize I was telling the truth." We stayed quiet briefly,

"Do you mind me asking where you learned to pickpocket like that?" Tubbo ask

"Oh that? It's just something I was taught when I was child."

"Really? How old were you?" Tubbo continued

"Four." I casually responded

"FOUR??" They both scream.

How are they so easily surprised? It's nothing special...

"Oh, look! We're just 5 minutes away!" Tubbo pointed, we all see the walls not to far away from us. Knowing Asher, I know what he's thinking and unsurprisingly I see him stop walking preparing to run.

"Asher...don't" I tell

"What's he doing? Why did stop?" Tubbo asks.

"Uhh, fair warning, you guys might want to hold on tight" I laugh nervously and without a second later Asher ran and the boys screamed.

"ASHER NO THIS ISN'T A RACE!" I quickly ran after them.

(Third person pov)

"AHH!" Tommy and Tubbo were scared and held tight on the lead.

"OPEN THE GATES! OPEN THE GATES" Tommy repeatedly yells at the top of his lungs. A guy with red hair and a fox tail was then seen at the gates.

"ASHER SLOW DOWN PLEASE!" Tubbo pleaded.

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