16. Electoral Debate

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It hasn't been long since Wilbur abruptly barged in. Tommy was not far behind as he came in not to long after Wilbur, asking Niki and I as well if we wanted to participate on being team "POG", which which I had no idea to what that was until Wilbur and Tommy announced there will be a debate in the court house for the two current parties who are willing to fight for presidency. Apparently Quackity was the one who started this, they said Quackity wasn't very happy during his stay here and with how Wilbur takes care of his role as the current president. He hated it in fact.

"He said he'd fight against us— run against us for the role of president!" said Wilbur. "And because we failed to sign the document to our policies, he is technically allowed to run against us!" He continued.

And now, a fight there is, as of now, my eardrums feel like they are on the verge of bursting from all the screaming and shouting coming left and right. I leaned against the wall by the entrance, between the two teams, Team "POG" to my left, and team "SWAG" to my right. Team POG is being led by you guessed it, Wilbur and Tommy and as for Team SWAG was being led by Quackity and George. There were six people on each side, Wil, Tommy, Jack, Niki, Tubbo, and Ranboo were on team POG, while Quackity, George, Sapnap, Bad, Dream, Skeppy, and one of L'manberg's, Fundy, we're on team SWAG. I had no desire to pick a side— I mean I am a member of L'manberg and all but it was under the condition that I'd solely have the role to be the protector and nothing more so I stood only between the two parties that had been fighting with every word so strongly, going for what seemed like hours upon hours when really it's been around 45 minutes.

I honestly thought this would be funny to watch but it's just really irritating. I probably should have thought of stopping Wilbur and Tommy from bringing Niki to this debate but there's nothing I could really do...

"EVERYBODY STOP!" Karl shouts, everyone turns to him, I've met Karl a couple times, I don't exactly know him but I guess since he's still somewhat new here, he's the judge. He looks like a friendly guy. 
"Listen, there isn't exactly an odd amount of votes, both parties have an equal amount of people." Karl finishes. Everyone realized he was right. Although Tommy seemed seemed have an idea...

"So then... how 'bout we get another opinion to settle this debate once and for all!" Tommy announces and looks directly at me and his action made everyone's attention turn towards me which startled me a bit. I'm not not one who likes being in the center of attention.

"What?" I question, acting clueless because of the feeling of being pressured.

"C'mon Y/n, join us! Aren't you on our side!?" Tommy questioned.

I couldn't think about what to say, I didn't want to pick a side. I want to help Tommy but as much as I want to, I just feel that I could not bring myself to do it because either way that would make me be more involved with a government, more than what I had anticipated. But it doesn't matter which side I pick, even if they win, one day that presidential power will change them. I decided I was going to speak about my opinion.

"I— well... I don't want to pick a side?" I shrugged. As those words left my lips Tommy then had a look of feeling betrayed whilst Quackity seemed happy with my answer.

"W-what do you mean? Y/n, you're member of L'manberg! You're supposed to pick our side!" Tommy shouts.

"Kid—" I get cut off.

"YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE ON OUR SIDE INSTANTLY, WHY ARE YOU HESITATING?" I've never seen this side of Tommy before and the tone he was giving me sounded as if he had a secret grudge against me, for a second I had a gut feeling that maybe he knew something.

I brushed it off and tried speaking again only to be cut off. Naturally, I wasn't going to let this slide.

Well this gives me a reason not to have kids, not that planned to anyway, they are such a handful...sigh, curse the concern I have for these kids. It also seems like he forgot what we discussed.

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