13. Wonders and Risks

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(Tommy's pov)

"Call me Alex!" Quackity said happily. I can't believe I heard what I've heard just now,

How is that possible? This can't be a coincidence! Y/n said that she didn't know if her brother was dead!

Y/n moved her hand out of Quackity's hand when she heard the name, I would say that she looked surprised but to my  surprise she looked way to calm but she did go quiet for a moment.

"Your actual name is Alex?" Y/n finally asked.

"Yes..? Is there something wrong with that?" Quackity asks looking genuinely confused.

"No, it's not that!" Y/n quickly says, she sounded a little flustered. "It's just, I'm pretty sure the name Alex is a pretty rare name to hear in most regions." She says. That could be true but we just never know, what if this is her supposedly dead brother? I might as well say something.

"What she means is that—" she elbows me on my arm,

"Tommy!" She tries to cut off.

"You have the same name as her supposedly dead brother!" I spat. I looked over a Y/n and if looks could kill I would be a dead man. She seems suspicious.

"Oh..! Wait, "supposedly?" Quackity realizes.

"Yeah Y/n said she doesn't know if her brother is dead or not because—" I get cut off.

"OKAY! That's enough, we're not going into details!" I felt a sting on my face when she slapped my mouth shut.

"OW!" I say muffled. I was upset but also extremely curious as to why Y/n was avoiding the topic. What is she hiding? Why is she hiding things from me?

"Ok... well I will admit that I used to also have a sister a few years ago but I'm pretty sure your not her, it's impossible." Quackity says looking at Y/n.

"Oh really?" I say finally getting out of Y/n's hand. What if this is really it?! "What was her name?" I ask ecstatically.

"Her name was Pastel." he answered.

"Pass- what?" I ask.

"Pastel" It's Spanish for "Cake." Y/n responds.

"Cake? That sounds like a pet name and how come you know Spanish? What else you know about eh?" I say looking and feeling extremely confused. "Is that like some sort of nickname for her?" I switch back to Quackity.

"No it just the name I gave her when I got her." Got her? I had a very puzzled face. "She's a cat, Tommy." He said in the end. Then realization hit me.


"Well what if Y/n is a magical cat breed and can transform to a human?" I suggest.

"That sounds ridiculous Kid." Y/n says.

"But Fundy exists and you're not denying it." I state.

"That doesn't automatically make me a cat breed Kid, I am a human!" Y/n says.

"Well I think you're lying 'cause who just has creepy looking red eyes, HMM? How can you prove it?" I retaliate.

"Kid I told you off script that my eye is like this from chemical exposure and that now it works as a defense mechanism that's all!" She stops to think for a moment, "I do have one way to prove that we're not siblings though." She says and she turns to Quackity, "Do you mind if you take off your beanie?"

"Um sure..." Quackity then takes off his beanie but I didn't see anything besides long messy black hair. Y/n then spoke immediately spoke.

"You can put back on now I've seen my proof."

Villains • Dsmp x ReaderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz