20. The Day of a Waiting

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(Tommy's pov)

What ever potion Y/n gave me is giving me so much strength and energy! I bet I can beat so many people in a dual, I can really feel it! Tomorrow is the big day, everything is set perfectly and there's more people in L'manberg as well. I've never seen L'manberg look more lively. This surge of excitement lasted for a while until it was cut short by Y/n.

"Tommy, I have to go." She said a bit blunt.

"Go? What are you talking about? Didn't you just come back?" When I questioned her, she put on a confused look.

"Ok— now what are you talking about?" She echoed.

"You said you were going to help Niki and Fundy this week but when you left to 'go help them' I haven't seen you at all since then." I explained.

"Well you can confirm with Niki or Fundy, I was there— I did help them— but now I have to go." Y/n passed me but I stepped in front of her.

"Wait— wait before you leave I want you to meet someone really quickly— it'll be just five minutes!" I insisted, she let out a soft sigh and glanced at the sky— it was barely the afternoon now.

"Lead the way I guess." She complied.


"Y/n, this is Schlatt, he's come back from banishment and recently joined in on this competition at the start of this week and I thought you should meet him since you're the only other member of L'manberg who hasn't met him yet." I stated after introducing him, I glanced back at Y/n and saw she stood a bit still until Schlatt reach out his hand to shake.

"Pleasure to meet you, as you heard, I'm Schlatt." When Schlatt introduced himself, Y/n didn't make a move to greet him back she instead stared at his hand before looking back at him.

"You don't talk much eh?" Schlatt mentioned as he put his hand back down.

"I'm not very fond of meeting new people." Y/n replied rather harsh. I stood awkwardly between them and for some reason I could feel a strange tension building up in the air.

"Well it wouldn't hurt to get to know me so get used to it 'cause I plan to stay a while." Schlatt sounded a bit weird as he answered her. Is he drunk again? I've seen that he drinks often but sometimes I can't read his expressions, he's an odd drunk...
"You know, I've never found something so interesting in my life." Schlatt mentioned.

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" Y/n replied in an instant.

"A woman who seems so attached to the sword on her hip..." I didn't even notice the hard grip Y/n had on the handle of her sword, her face remained unfazed as always.
"Are you a fighter? A warrior— a knight—y'know anything that screams soldier or any of that sort?"

"You could say I've done a lot of protecting." Y/n said keeping it as short as possible.

"Is that so? Well maybe you could become my personal guard in the near future." Schlatt suggested. I couldn't believe it, he's seriously trying to bring in more votes for himself, it was almost laughable though since I know Y/n would not agree to his suggestion.

"Hm, we'll see about that when I come back after the final election, that is if I make it on time." She shrugged then finally broke eye contact with Schlatt to look at me instead.
"Time has been over from what you stated which means I really have to go now Kid." She pat me on the shoulder before turning the other way towards the gate.
"Don't hurt yourself."


Later that evening, a pre-election was held: various questions were asked, arguments broke out here and there as well as some cheers indicating who some of the citizens' are voting for. I didn't feel worried though and the reason for that is because Niki, Fundy, and Schlatt especially showed themselves at the last minute and I think that just really says something about them and George who's supposedly Quackity's running mate— bailed on him probably being busy like the sleeping beauty.

"So still no sign of George ey Quackity?" Wilbur who asked the obvious— flustered Quackity in embarrassment but made me laugh.
"How 'bout this, in the event that neither one of us win the election...should we pool our votes? I mean think about it— if we do we can both be the presidents of L'manberg with Tommy being the vice president!" Quackity thought about Wil's words and in return, the minute that he smiled I believed he would agree but, no.

"That's an interesting proposition Wilbur... I almost fell for it."


"What?" Wil voiced my question.

"You'd only be using me for votes. I wouldn't be president Wilbur! There can only be one president in charge Wilbur and you know that! Just now you suggested it yourself that we would only pool our votes if neither of us win but if you gain more votes than I, then you'd be the one to leave me out of it!"

"Yes but—" Wil tried to speak but when he admitted what Quackity was thinking, he cut him off.

"No 'buts' 'cause you know why Wilbur? You know why? Before you tried to get me to 'team up' with you, two nights ago Schlatt gave me a better proposition! I won't be endorsing you— I'm endorsing Schlatt."


"Wilbur what do we do?! What if we don't win this? Will this be our last time? If we don't win this election L'manberg falls apart!" Pacing back and forth, I rambled anxiously.

"Tommy there's still a chance that we can win— we haven't lost yet. But... if we lose, I'm gonna miss it. They'll tear down the walls and let anyone else in." Said Wilbur.

"I know but what do we do if we lose the nation?" I ask again.

"I don't know Tommy!" Wilbur sighed, "What I do know is that we could be citizens, it's just... I don't want to live under their rules because these people are the type who just want power— they want attention. If they get a hold power then they'll take away all the things L'manberg stands for." Wilburs words sent a shiver down my spine, I was already warned about this last night. What if that possibly come true?
"Until then, today is the day of waiting." Wilbur answered.


1096 words!


U ready? Yew ready? You ready?????

Ready— ready— ready eddy eddy!! 🤓

Boys or— girls I mean. Wait— are you all girls or are some of you readers some other gender?



I'm almost near another break FINALLY. I heard about something...

Senior ditch day? Is every high school senior really just about to dip or sum?? I do that already! /J

i'll probably upload the next chapter on the weekend but idk 🤷 we'll see :p



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