11. Pink

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"I'm sorry what?" I almost seemed shocked when Dream said that but I kept it together.

He couldn't have figured it out already, could he? Did I let my guard down too much?

I had my doubts for a moment. Dream sat down then spoke, "Well, you are a retired knight aren't you? As well as the friend of the infamous knight, Calypso?" I didn't realize I was holding my breath, I thought that he had found out I was Calypso.
"How did you—?" I played off. I gave the most surprised expression in hopes that he doesn't find me suspicious of anything which worked telling from the slight chuckle of his amusement but then I realized something, how could he have known about a private— well somewhat private conversation between me Tommy and Tubbo? Unless... maybe I did let my guard down...

"Like I said: I always have my ways." Dream stated.

"Eret listened to our conversation didn't he?" His silence gave me an obvious giveaway. I let out a big sigh, "I guess it isn't too surprising but for your information people usually called me by 'dame' not 'sir,' get it right."

"What about your friend Calypso? His face is always on the covers of newspapers yet I never saw yours?" What's with him?

"Listen, we may not be at war anymore but there's no way I am telling you shit. I can't trust you, you hurt my friends and there is no forgiveness until punishment is received."

"Then can you answer this one question?" He curiously asks.

"Depends on the question." I say directly.

"What happened to the lighter shade of your hair?" I was hoping he wasn't asking what I think he was asking.

"What are you talking about?"

"Well earlier your hair seemed to have a large streak of a brighter color from your usual h/c." Dream says, I tried changing the subject.

"So you were watching me the whole night too." I say raising a brow although he probably couldn't see it. Dream immediately starts stumbling on his words saying that he wasn't. "Really, 'cause you just told me that you've been stalking me the whole night. How long do you plan on obsessing over me?" I ask.

"Tsk don't get ahead of yourself with absurd ideas and answer the question." Dream pried. I sigh deeply, annoyed that he won't let it go.

"The answer is simple..." I gave a long pause on purpose and doing so Dream visibly started getting impatient, tapping his fingers on the wall. Without expression, I respond with, "It's the lighting."

"What..?" He responds sounding disappointed with my answer.

"It's just like I said: it's the lighting...You do realize the moon is bright tonight, right?" I add, gesturing my hand to the glowing moon. Dream stayed silent contemplating what to say next.

"Well—" I cut him off,

"Are we done? Can you leave me alone now? I said I wasn't going to answer your stupid questions. I don't want to be friends with a monster like you."

"Ouch." He defeatedly sighs but proceeds to stand up. "I'll be going then, wouldn't want to keep making noise and wake someone up." I nod in agreement. "Goodbye I guess." I nod silently again. He throws an enderpearl and became particles in seconds.

When he was gone, I quickly entered my room and grabbed a couple of ender pearls, I didn't want to make noise getting outside of L'manberg walls. I threw it toward the nearest lake but far from greater smp and L'manberg. As soon as I found a lake, I crouch down and stare at my reflection. I unclasp my necklace once again and sure enough, a section of my hair, on the left from the back of my head, turned to a different color.

"Shit." I whisper to myself. I was at least relieved Tommy didn't see it but of all people Dream? With my eyes glowing from behind my mask, I kept staring at my reflection and especially kept staring at my obvious pink hair.

"..." I hear a light whisper.

"Don't say a word." I whisper. My hair returns to h/c as I clip my necklace back on. I stand back up and breathe deeply and look up the shining moon.

(Time skip - morning)

"Y/n!" I hear Tubbo and Tommy shout from behind.

"Yeah? What's up?" I ask.

"What are you doing? Where are you going?" Tubbo asks. They saw that I was getting Asher ready for a ride.

"Oh. Well... I was going to find some dye."

"Why would you need that?" Tommy questioned like a strict parent.

"To dye." I deadpan.

"PFFT HAHAHA" Tommy burst out laughing, as well as Tubbo. I scoff, resisting yet cracked a little smile.

"Alright, alright. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm heading to a village to buy a couple of things." Tubbo gasps,

"Can we come too? Please? Pretty please!!" Tubbo asks ecstatically, it almost seemed as his eyes were shining as happy as he showed.

"I'm afraid I can't do that..." I reply

"Aww why not?!"

"Yeah why not?" Tommy cuts.

"Because the village I'm going to is almost two hours away from here. You wouldn't want to walk for that long do you?" They both shake their head 'no'.

"Then I'll be going now, I'll be back as soon as possible. " I hop on Asher and started slow towards the open gates. As I got farther, I barely made out what Tommy said,

"C'mon Tubbo, we can do something more fun than that woman, let's go!" I laughed gently shaking my head.

These boys really...sorry guys but I can't show you what I'm buying dye for... it's a secret, a secret I plan to never share to anyone...

Little did I know, I what I was looking for would take forever. While staying away from L'manberg, there would be a visitor. A visitor wearing a blue beanie and shirt and black pants. He would match Tommy's chaotic energy and brew a storm for the two newly peaceful nations.


1015 words~

Heyo I'm back!

This month I'm rarely having a break with school and all haha 😅
It's kinda taking a toll on me. At least it's only this month!
Regular weekly updates will come back next month!

love you guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! You learn something new about Y/n once again c:<

Hear is what the necklace looks like btw c:
Drawn by yours truly!

Do not post this anywhere with credit or permission please and thank you

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Take care of yourselves <3


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