1. Secret Plans

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Everything I ran though was stained red with the blood of the village people, everything was aflame, homes were becoming ash by the second. I made it to the entrance of my house, the door was broken down and inside was dark and covered in debris and broken glass. I looked around and then screamed my lungs out as I saw the bodies of my dead parents.

Not a minute after, I hear heavy foot steps behind me. I turn to see two soldiers all covered blood. It all felt as it went slow as I saw both of them reach their hands to get a hold of me and-

-My eyes shot open and the first thing I see were hands getting ready to attack but instinct kicks in, I grabbed their arm, jumped out of bed, and pinning to the floor having their arm in the air ready to break.

"AGH OW CALYPSO, RELAX, IT'S ME!" the guy cries out.

"Luis?" Luis is one of my comrades that jokes around to much and annoys the hell out of me and mind I add, he can be incredibly stupid sometimes I mean two weeks ago he walked in on me changing once and literally saw the bandages around my chest to cover the fact that I'm a woman pretending to be a man but I just told him that I got a large wound across my chest and it required me to look like I have boobs because the wound was that big, and besides that my name is not actually "Calypso" but, this name is the only thing I have left of someone who I loved dearly.

"Ugh how many times do I have to tell you not to sneak up on me especially not in my sleep?" I ask.

"Yeah yeah I know but it would just be so funny to catch you off guard while your sleeping like a log...can you get off me now? For someone so light I can't get up." He adds.

"Tch I'm not THAT light, I have my hand on a pressure point so your entire body can't move." I say as I got off of him and put his arm down. He attempts to stand up.

"Um, I still can't move Calypso..." Luis starts to complain.

"Just give it a minute, you're body is paralyzed right now." I said plainly. We stay silent for a second but Luis immediately starts talking.

"Hey- how come you get this giant room all for yourself and I have to sleep with the other guards?" He questions,

ugh Luis can't go without a second of conversation he just starts rambling with questions.

"Also I know I keep asking this but- why does one of your eyes have this red tint in it but when you are mad both gets almost fully red? Has your voice always been like this? Which of the princesses do you think is hot?" I sighed as he questioned on, he finally got up though and I went for a change of clothes whilst answering his questions.

"Geez Luis, do you ever shut up? If you really want to know, one: maybe you should train harder both physically and mentally. Two: don't mess with harsh chemicals. And three: what of the princesses? They are staying for his highness to chose to be the next queen otherwise he wouldn't be the next King, you must respect them and you should watch what you say, you're in no position of speaking about royalty like that, you're a guard." I stated firmly, the second part was bullshit though. I came back more looking more appropriate.

He scoffs, "look at you speaking as if your royalty as well. Does being treated like a royal make you one as well?" I stay silent.

"I'll be honest I hate the government but dressing like a royal doesn't sound to bad." I say amused,

"What? Then why are working here as a guard?" Luis asks in disbelief. I ignore his question but all this talk about royalty has made me realize something...

"Wait a minute- no one enters my room unless-"


"Oops haha..." Luis says looking guilty and rubbing his head where it hurt, I panic and as if on queue I hear a knock on my door so I ran to open it.

"Yes?" I answer, it was another guard.

"Sir Calypso, his majesty requires your attention in his throne room urgently" the guard states as a matter of fact.

"Yes, I was just heading out, excuse me" I say and go out quickly to the King and on the way I was just praying that if there is a god out there, that the King would give me a deadly mission so I can fake my death and get out of these palace walls and be a free woman once and for all.

I made it to the doors of the King's throne room, I knocked and the doors open.

"Ah there's my right-hand man, late." he says coldly.

"Forgive me your highness, I have no excuse, you can punish me if you see fit." I bow as I say.

"No need for punishment, I'll forgive this once since I wouldn't dare hurt that pretty face of yours." I mentally gag at his nasty comment,

Are all men this way or is he only one into pretty things regardless if I present myself as a man? I might need to hide my face after my escape this hell hole of a palace I don't want any disturbance once I'm out of here.

"Thank you, your Highness. May I ask what you needed my presence for?"

"Right, I have a mission for you, kind of a suicidal mission I might add but I'm sure you can handle it since you've made it this far..." I stayed silent which hinted him to keep going but I also mentally celebrated while keeping a straight face.

"I need diamonds..." What? That's the suicidal mission?

"But not just any diamonds, you see, I've heard there was some place called 'The Ancient City' and it has the most rarest types of diamonds, I'd like you to aquire those for me."

Ah the Ancient City, I've heard about it once from the soldiers when the war took place, it's the most dangerous place to linger in if you're not careful enough. It is said many have died before they could even aquire and take diamonds home.

This is perfect! I can mine some diamonds for myself and then come back to my room at night while the King thinks that his best soldier had died!

Before I could realize that I was smirking the King spoke,

"What's gotten you so happy?" He asked suspicious of me.


"I assure you it's nothing your Highness, I just think the Ancient City is an interesting place." I said with a smile.

"Hmm, alright I'll give you a week to find and get a hold of these diamonds, go."


"Of course your Highness, I shall leave this afternoon then, excuse me." And I walked out from the room and headed back to my room. Before I could enter, my name was called.

"Sir Calypso!" I turn my head.

"Lady Rory?"

Aw geez...


1243 words

It is 12:51 am rn lol
Welp! The first chapter is now finished! I hope you guys liked it!
Also the banner of this chapter and cover is made by me so no it is not stolen!
ANYWAYS I put it there as reference as to show what the "red tint in your eye" is!

Also, I know I didn't give any details to what these characters look like but that because they are not at all important later in the story this is the only time they are mentioned in the story

Expect the next chapter on the weekend!

Have a good night/day/afternoon!
Stay hydrated and be sure you got some food in your system! :P <3
Please leave a vote it is very much appreciated!

Lillu is off to bed now! >XP

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